
Biden cannot recover from debate debacle

Biden cannot recover from debate debacle

CNN’s Chris Wallace argued that President Joe Biden will not be able to recover from his widely criticized performance after Thursday’s highly anticipated debate, even going so far as to claim that Biden is incapable of “doing better than he did.”

“Chris, he is going through six days of preparation at Camp David and you know the rules,” the Erin Burnettbuilding up to a question. “He’s practicing with the microphones. He knows every one of these questions is coming. And yet he couldn’t fill the time. Now I just want to see what the White House says: Sources close to the White House say he had a cold and wasn’t feeling well. I mean, as you would expect, that came out early in the debate. But what explains why someone with so much experience does so much preparation and the result is this?”

“Honestly, I think the question answers itself. He couldn’t have done better,” Wallace replied matter-of-factly.

“Tonight, on the biggest stage he wanted, he was inept, he basically dictated everything. And despite all that preparation, he was unable to do better than he did. You can’t come back from that,” Wallace continued. “You can’t stand on a stage where tens of millions of Americans have watched you and come away empty-handed. And that’s exactly what he did tonight.”

Watch it above via CNN.

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