
Sheehy doesn’t understand the value of privacy and choice

Sheehy doesn’t understand the value of privacy and choice

Deborah Frandsen

As the former executive director of Planned Parenthood in Missoula, I know how important it is for the people of Montana to have access to safe and reliable reproductive health care. As a Montana resident, I also know how important our personal freedoms are to our values.

The decision to have an abortion is a deeply personal decision that should be made between the woman and her doctor – without government interference.

Candidate Tim Sheehy clearly does not understand the importance of privacy in Montana. Sheehy has called abortion “murder” and is backed by an extreme anti-abortion group that favors a statewide ban on abortion.

He even refused to support federal legislation to protect access to IVF treatments. And recently, Sheehy doubled down on his support for a national abortion ban.

Sheehy cannot understand that most Montanans support protecting access to all reproductive health services, including abortion. This is a man who does not understand how important protecting reproductive freedom and privacy is to our state.

Simply put, he should not represent us. We must re-elect Senator Jon Tester, who has always fought for the reproductive freedom of the people of Montana.