
Richmond School Board appoints new member – The Voice

Richmond School Board appoints new member – The Voice

Richmond Community Schools Superintendent Brian Walmsley swears in Traci Bartell as a member of the Board of Education on June 24. (Courtesy of RichmondTV/YouTube)

Traci Bartell was recently selected by the Richmond Community Schools Board of Education to fill a vacancy on the board.

Bartell was elected by the board on a 4-2 vote and sworn in during the board meeting on June 24. Trustee Danielle Sutton said the candidates are very qualified, but because the position is temporary, she believes Bartell won’t have as much to learn.

Richmond Community Schools announced in a news release on May 30 that a vacancy had opened on the board, effective May 29. The board seat was vacated due to the resignation of Angela Pacitto, who served as vice president of the board. During the June 10 meeting, the board directed Superintendent Brian Walmsley to repost information about the board of education vacancy on the district’s website. The board did not hold a formal vote on the re-advertising.

The press release stated that the position would be filled by an appointment effective until the date the county receives the certified election results from Nov. 5. The actual term for the position will expire Dec. 31. The term of the person elected to the position in November will run from Jan. 1, 2025, to Dec. 31, 2030.

During her interview with the board, Bartell said she had not yet decided whether she would run in the election.

The Board interviewed two candidates for the vacancy on June 24. The candidates were Bartell and Jillian Manchik.

Bartell previously served on the Richmond Community Schools Board of Education for eight years. During her interview, Bartell said she was elected to a one-year term in 2010, then ran again and won a seat in 2011.

“I know what it means to have creative and productive conversations with each other. To be able to make a decision that feels as much like consensus as possible,” Bartell said.

Her resume states that she played a role in the district’s search for a superintendent, and during her interview she said she was part of the panel that hired Walmsley. She has served as enrollment coordinator at Romeo Community Schools since July 2022.

“I have a positive working relationship with Mr. Walmsley. Many of the current board members know me,” Bartell wrote in her June 20 application letter for the board vacancy. “For those who don’t know me, I bring not only board knowledge, but also teaching experience from my more than 25 years of teaching.”

Bartell’s resume describes that she worked as a music teacher in seven schools or school districts from January 1990 to May 2020, including as a middle and high school voice teacher in Richmond Community Schools. She is a graduate of Richmond Community Schools. She holds a bachelor’s degree in music from Western Michigan University. She is the president and founding board member of the Richmond Education Foundation.

One question from the board that Bartell answered during the interview was about methods and initiatives she believes the board should actively engage with parents, teachers and the community to ensure their voices are heard. Bartell praised the board’s recent use of surveys and said she would advocate for a continuation of that process.

“I would also say that this is a time when people everywhere, not just here in Richmond but everywhere, have lost faith in institutions, many institutions,” Bartell said. “But I think they’ve lost faith in the institution of public education. And so anything we can do to rebuild that trust is important.”

In her interview with the board, Bartell said the district has more social workers and counselors than during her previous tenure. She also said that area of ​​the district still has room to grow.

“Because we have students and young people who need support to maintain their mental and emotional well-being,” Bartell said. “So I think it’s imperative to prioritize that and think about good and wonderful ways to support new programs that support this kind of work.”

Bartell also answered questions from the board about how she would handle and resolve conflicts, not only between board members, but also between the board and administration or the board and the community.

“The truth needs to be told, but we can do it in a way that is kind and respectful to each other, that honors the fact that we’re looking at two different sides here. But that doesn’t mean you’re a terrible person,” Bartell said.

Bartell said the board should speak with one voice and board decisions should be clearly stated and justified. She also spoke about the need to set an example for students on conflict resolution and working with administration.

“I know for a fact that Mr. Walmsley is a person you can talk to, you can disagree with, and he will try to understand your point of view. And then it is our duty to try to understand his point of view as well,” Bartell said.

Manchik, a resident of Casco Township, graduated from the district in 2000 and currently has three children who will graduate from the district. In her June 20 application letter to the board for the position, she stated that her previous work experience was primarily in local government, particularly in parks and recreation. She has a bachelor’s degree in applied arts from Central Michigan University.

To be eligible for appointment as a school board member, the individual had to be a U.S. citizen and a qualified, registered voter of the Richmond Community Schools District. Applications had to be submitted to the board by June 21. Resumes detailing experience and background, outlining what the candidate could bring to the board, were also required.

Nicole Tuttle is a freelance reporter for The Voice.

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