
Thank you for the love and support you have shown Ruidoso: Letters to the Editor

Thank you for the love and support you have shown Ruidoso: Letters to the Editor

Thank you for showing your love and support to Ruidoso

I looked at the tragic but beautifully shot photos of Ruidoso by Ivan Pierre Aguirre. I painted the mailbox that is seen in one of the photos. The mailbox contains the symbol of New Mexico, adorned with a desert landscape. The Zia is light blue to show the harmony between nature and the respect that New Mexico communities have for the land.

The mailbox was a Christmas gift for my grandparents. I wanted it to express what New Mexico means to me, and it was really remarkable that it was still standing.

Thank you for spreading the word and showing your love for a unique village that needs support.

Aly Green

Marietta, Georgia

More: ‘A lot of people have nothing’: Ruidoso mayor warns as residents prepare to return home

Dismayed at the state of Ascarate Park

District commissioners, city council and mayor,

My family and I attended a Father’s Day event at Ascarate Park and were dismayed by the overall impression of the park. The lake water was filled with debris, there were patches of dead grass, basketball hoops without nets, and neglected family picnic areas, to name a few.

Our city is a poor city, but your general apathy creates a dividing line between the “haves” and the “have nots.” Our city looks run down and dirty. I encourage you to get out and walk the park. Walk in the evenings, early mornings, during events, ask for suggestions for improvements, talk to the families, take the bus to the park and walk in the hot Alameda and Delta sun to those depleted areas, talk to the people who fish, talk to the ballplayers on the weekends, talk to the families, talk to some of the walkers, and definitely stop charging fees. Find an alternative way to generate revenue.

City leaders, stop talking about quality of life and do something about it, for all of El Paso. It’s our city and we have great people. Now find a way to make it happen.

James Camacho

East El Paso

More: Paxton’s lawsuit against Annunciation House is a disgrace: Letters to the editor

Volunteer grateful for time at Holy Family Refugee Center

Thank you to Annunciation House and the volunteers at Holy Family Refugee Center for allowing me to work with your shelter guests this past spring.

Father Turek and his 24/7 all-volunteer staff provide food, clothing, and shelter to people who have been on the move for months escaping terror in their homeland. I am so grateful for the gifts I have received from Holy Family Refugee Center volunteers and their guests. Joy. Watching staff member Maria show two boys how to hula hoop. Watching a nun bandage a woman’s feet. Watching the home sing “Happy Birthday” to a little girl in Spanish and English. Receiving a cake from a Venezuelan woman who baked it from scratch. Looking at a little boy’s drawing of his family traveling through the dangerous Darién Gap to the United States. Receiving a hug from a little girl leaving the home for her new home.

Home to Wisconsin with hope.

Geralyn McGee

Oconomowoc, Wisconsin