
Minneapolis Parks and Recreation Board employees vote to strike

Minneapolis Parks and Recreation Board employees vote to strike

Minneapolis Parks and Recreation Department employees have announced they have voted to authorize a strike.

City employees’ union Local 363 made the announcement late Tuesday, saying 94% of the vote was in favor of authorizing a strike. Local 363 said they would return to mediation on Thursday and announce a strike if “significant progress toward a fair contract is not made.”

In a written statement, Local 363 claims the union has reached rock bottom as the board continues to ignore its demands for improved worker safety, fair healthcare and higher wages.

“Our members have reached a breaking point after years of disrespect and neglect from the parks department. Despite our endless hard work, skill and dedication that make Minneapolis parks the best in the country, management continues to treat us with contempt. They ignore our urgent demands for basic safety precautions, affordable and equitable health care, and a fair wage that reflects the value of our work. We will no longer be taken for granted. We demand that the parks department treat us with respect. We expect a fair contract that ensures workers’ dignity, well-being and future livelihoods.”

City Employees Local 363

The Parks and Recreation Board has been contacted for comment. This article will be updated when there is a response.