
Photographer Rohan Shrestha on his latest photo series with Oprah Winfrey

Photographer Rohan Shrestha on his latest photo series with Oprah Winfrey

GRAZIA: Tell us a little about the #whiteTseries.

ROHAN SHRESTHA: As for my #whiteTee series, it’s quite a simple shot, a portrait shot of my subject in a simple white t-shirt. It’s basically a move away from glitz. I started it a little over a decade ago and it’s stuck with me ever since.

G: How did you end up photographing the legendary Oprah Winfrey for this?

RS: I was approached by Deja Vu Productions for an international campaign. Oprah Winfrey was in it and this campaign was shot in LA. I have worked with them internationally for the past few years. I have been lucky enough to work with people like Oprah Winfrey, Lionel Messi, Kevin Hart and Jason Momoa to name a few. It has been a wonderful and interesting journey so far.

G: How was the filming experience?

RS: My shoot with her was unforgettable. Oprah is just as wonderful as people say, if not more so. She was warm, friendly and very encouraging the entire time. She said wonderful things to everyone on set and we left the shoot with the biggest smiles on our faces and a few tears (the good kind).

G: How do you proceed when you deal with a new topic?

RS: It’s always easier to approach a new subject while working if you have a conversation starter to break the ice. I do a little research beforehand, which helps me understand them better. During the shoot, I let my subjects flow as much as possible, and that way we can both enjoy the experience.

G: How do you tell a story through a photograph (in this case a series)?

RS: With this particular series, I think about the time I spent on it and how it has evolved over time. I’ve been doing this for over a decade now and have photographed with different people in that time. It has given me the opportunity to see my subjects grow or mature through this series. Personally, I try as much as possible to give the images a very raw feel in order to tell a story through my photos.

G: Is black and white your preferred medium?

RS: Although my series is black and white, that is not necessarily my preferred medium. I enjoy shooting in color just as much. I kept this series black and white to maintain consistency.

G: Who else is on your wish list?

RS: I’ve been lucky enough to work with an incredible number of people so far. I just enjoy the experience. I was lucky enough to shoot with my hero Lionel Messi. If I had to name one person on my bucket list, Michael Jordan would be someone I’d love to work with.