
Star Trek: The Next Generation – Pliable Truths – Book Review: An important story that connects DS9 and TNG – TREKNEWS.NET

Star Trek: The Next Generation – Pliable Truths – Book Review: An important story that connects DS9 and TNG – TREKNEWS.NET

Discover the untold story of the Cardassian occupation in “Pliable Truths”

If you are a fan of the mighty Star Trek: The Next Generation two-part episode “Chain of Command” or the series premiere for the excellent TNG Spin-off series Deep Space Ninethen author Dayton District has a surprise for you in his latest book, Malleable truths.

Pliable Truths is both a sequel to the two-parter in which the Cardassians torture Captain Picard and a prequel to Commander Benjamin Sisko taking command of the Cardassian space station formerly known as Terek Nor. It fills a gap in Star Trek Traditions that we didn’t know were ripe for exploration. Malleable truths is a great example of how Star Trek Literature has a skillful ability to expand this science fiction universe we know and love far beyond what we see on screen.

The Cardassian occupation of Bajor is over, not least due to the events of “Chain of Command”, and the Company-D and her crew arrive in Terek Nor to oversee the first steps toward a formal peace between the Bajorans and Cardassians. Captain Picard accepts the assignment reluctantly but with a determined resolve, having recently been bound and blinded by the infamous Gul Madred; the mental and physical scars of that encounter are still felt.

Star Trek: The Next Generation – Cover artwork by Pliable Truths
Star Trek: The Next Generation – cover artwork by Pliable Truths | Image credit: Simon & Schuster

The Starfleet crew faces a number of problems, including the Cardassians, who are already trying to rewrite the history of their brutal occupation of the peaceful planet below them; a mysterious poisoning on Bajor that has left some of the PursueThe crew and a soon-to-be-famous Bajoran resistance fighter, as well as evidence elsewhere in the galaxy, suggest that the Cardassians are exploring strange new ways to exert control over those they deem inferior.

That’s a lot of work for the experienced Ward, who calls this release his Star Trek publication. He knows this universe better than perhaps any other author, and this is reflected in his ability to weave complicated new storylines into already established stories. While Malleable truths may not be the best Star Trek novel out there thanks to its slow nature, lower stakes, and lack of a decisive climax common in most stories, that didn’t stop us from enjoying the valuable lore and character building that Ward brought from different Star Trek Consequences.

Even though the book moves along slowly, that doesn’t mean there aren’t some standout moments in this book. Quite the opposite. For example, we got goosebumps when Picard, who is brokering the Bajoran-Cardassian peace talks, finds his aforementioned torturer on the other side of the negotiating table. We also appreciate that Ward makes the connections as to how and why Miles O’Brien was assigned DS9why the station was in such a bad condition shortly before the events DS9“The Emissary” and how Picard finally finds some measure of peace after his recent ordeal with Gul Madred.

“It’s no surprise that defeating an adversary allows one to frame the facts in a way that best serves one’s interests,” Picard said. “It could be as complex as the history of the subjugation of one civilization by another, or as simple as determining how many viewports are built into that bulkhead… Are there five or just four?” – Picard to Madred during post-occupation negotiations.

Malleable truths is great that you are a fan of lore connections in the ever-growing Star Trek Universe; the fascinating Bajoran-Cardassian relationship that has always been representative of the dark real history; and a simmering plot that offers little action but plenty of intelligent conversation and commentary on social justice and political maneuvering. No one can Star Trek History like Dayton Ward, and he chose a great place in Star Trek History to practice one’s craft.

Malleable truths is now available on Amazon.

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