
Against genocide and war! Demonstrate in Washington on July 24th!

Against genocide and war! Demonstrate in Washington on July 24th!

On July 24, Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu will address a joint session of the US Congress at the invitation of the leaders of the Democratic and Republican parties, who have paid this honor to Israel’s Hitler in the midst of a genocidal war that has so far resulted in the targeted murder of over 40,000 Palestinian residents of the Gaza Strip, over 60 percent of whom are women and children.

Netanyahu will be welcomed by Congress not just in spite of his crimes, but because of them. For all his fascist arrogance, the Israeli prime minister is ultimately a political agent of US imperialism. His speech will be in the nature of a progress report in which Netanyahu will explain to Congress how the genocidal war waged by his government advances the capitalist geopolitical, financial and corporate interests of the American ruling class in the Middle East and around the world.

On the same day that Netanyahu speaks to Congress, thousands of opponents of the genocide – workers from all sectors of the economy and young students – will demonstrate in Washington to express their outrage at Netanyahu’s presence at the Capitol.

The Socialist Equality Party, the International Youth and Students for Social Equality (IYSSE) and the International Workers Alliance of Rank-and-File Committees (IWA-RFC) have called for and are demanding as broad a participation as possible in the demonstration on July 24 in Washington DC.

We are calling for this demonstration not to ask Congress to change its policies. Nearly nine months of war have shown that the corporate press in Washington is indifferent to appeals to reason, not to mention morality. The invitation to Netanyahu should put an end to any illusions that the policies of the bipartisan agents of US imperialism can be changed. A new political orientation and strategy is needed.

Therefore, the purpose of the July 24 demonstration is to launch a new and powerful mass movement of the working class against the genocide in Gaza and the global escalation of imperialist militarism by the US ruling class and its NATO collaborators.