
Cook review: “How to Rob a Bank” is an action-packed documentary

Cook review: “How to Rob a Bank” is an action-packed documentary

There’s a reason why so many people are true crime fans. Actually, several reasons.

“How to Rob a Bank” (IMDb)

First, there is nothing more fascinating than a true life story. Second, it is also partly what motivated that person – why did the perpetrator commit the crime? Did the criminal think there would be no consequences?

“How to Rob a Bank” is a great documentary that has it all: suspense, interesting characters and a criminal who, after completing his first robbery, began to enjoy the thrill of it all.

In the 1990s, Scott Scurlock – half outdoorsman, half drug dealer – robbed several banks in Seattle for five years before the police finally caught him. With his strange but effective disguise, he became so notorious that he became known as “Hollywood” or “The Hollywood Bandit.”

Directors Stephen Robert Morse and Seth Porges tell this story by first introducing us to Scurlock, who is portrayed as a carefree man who doesn’t follow the rules. He lives in a huge, beautiful tree house, which we see in all its glory on archival video.

At first glance, Scurlock seems like one of those people you’d enjoy partying with. That is, until he starts experimenting with methamphetamine, both as a substance and as a product.

You will learn from his own accomplices and friends what attracted them to Scurlock and what they believe led Scurlock to pursue a life of crime.

The directors use a clever method of “re-enactment” with drawings/animations that give the feel of an illustrated novel and contribute to the fast pace of the film. At times, the film feels more like a feature film than a documentary, with its animations, re-enactments, and even actual videos of the robberies themselves.

It’s fast-paced, short and captivating. Just right for fans of true crime stories.

3 ½ stars

Streaming on Netflix.

Age rating TV-MA due to swear words and violence.

Running time: 88 minutes.

Watch the trailer here.