
The most heartbreaking relationship in “Interview with a Vampire” is not the love triangle

The most heartbreaking relationship in “Interview with a Vampire” is not the love triangle

Editor’s Note: The following contains spoilers for Season 2, Episode 7 of Interview with the Vampire, as well as mentions of sexual assault.

The big picture

  • After episode 7 of
    Interview with the vampire
    Season 2: The relationship between Claudia and Madeleine is the most heartbreaking in the series.
  • Claudia remains the outstanding character of the series, a sympathetic and complex woman who does not deserve her tragic fate.
  • Claudia and Madeleine are the only healthy and hopeful relationship on
    Interview with the vampire
    which makes her death even more painful.

At one point during Lestat de Lioncourt’s (Sam Reid) Opera testimony in season 2, episode 7 of Interview with the vampirethe undead explains emotionally: “The worst thing a vampire can feel is loneliness.” The series has the same perspective as Lestat. interview explores the many ways in which supernatural monsters cry out for a piece of human intimacy, which is a contradiction in itself. Once they have companionship, they do everything in their power to keep it: morality is irrelevant to them. Although these motivators are the Lestat, Louis de Pointe du Lac (Jacob Anderson) and Armand (Assad Zaman) Love triangle entertaining, episode 7 confirms what fans of Anne RiceBestselling novels and new but attentive readers already knew it. interview is a gripping tragedy with No relationship is more heartbreaking than that of Claudia (Delainey Hayles) and Madeleine (Roxane Duran)who meet a brutal end after physical and psychological torture.

NO interview The character is innocent, and there are no happy endings in Rice’s stories. Of all of them, however, Claudia and Madeleine are the most deserving of happiness. They yearn for more than their world allows. They dare to resist and are sacrificed for it after snatching the briefest of happiness. These doomed soulmates are undoubtedly intervieware truly tragic characters.

Interview with the Vampire SDCC Louis Lestat Claudia Poster

Interview with the vampire

Follow Louis de Pointe’s epic story of love, blood and the perils of immortality, based on the legendary novel by Anne Rice, narrated by journalist Daniel Molloy.

Release date

Rolin Jones

Sam Reid, Jacob Anderson, Eric Bogosian, Bailey Bass, Assad Zaman


“Interview with a Vampire” Season 2 lets Claudia grow

Claudia opens season 2 of Interview with the vampire desperately looking for connection. Before her vampire life, her mother died in childbirth and her father left Claudia in the care of her abusive aunt. When Lestat turns Claudia in season 1 (then played by Bailey Bass), her positive parent-child relationship with Louis and Lestat inevitably leads to further abuse. The few relationships she forms outside her toxic home end disastrously. To gain her freedom from Lestat and exact righteous vengeance, Claudia becomes an even more savage killer – one who has no qualms about murdering her creator. As with any vampire, however, isolation is her true curse: that cruel Venn diagram of hope, vulnerability, and heartbreak. Claudia’s fight seems pointless, no matter how much she bares her teeth in seething rage.

Worst of all, Claudia never asked for it. Louis begged Lestat to turn her into a vampire, and despite his claims in Season 1, it wasn’t an act of mercy. If Louis could ease his guilt over the New Orleans fires by resurrecting Claudia, then condemning an innocent 14-year-old to eternal torment didn’t matter. Louise loves her genuinely, but Claudia has always been a bargaining chip; a child-sized bandage stuck on Louis’ sins. She always comes second in his affections. Her journals are her only armor and her only outlet for all that burning hatred, despair, and trauma. Claudia wants to revel in her heightened bloodlust. She longs for the freedom and maturity her eternally prepubescent body denies her.

Claudia is looking for company in season 2 of “Interview with a Vampire”

Claudia (Delainey Hayles) holds Daciana's (Diana Gheorghian) hand in her cobweb-covered apartment in Interview with a Vampire
Image via AMC

When Claudia accidentally meets the ancient vampire Daciana (Diana Gheorghian), she is speechless. It is the first time she has seen another vampire. They get along well until the older woman explains that being a vampire is inevitably hopeless. Daciana takes her own life and destroys Claudia’s fragile dreams. Enter theThéâtre des Vampires to meet Claudia at her most vulnerable point. She may be over 40 years old, but she is enchanted by the circle: a lively group full of vampires of all genders who have fun on stage and hunt without restraint backstage. She is happy to work herself to the bone just to have a chance at acceptance.

As soon as the circle initiates them, Their hopes for a real, loving family become reality after decades of systematic abuse, but they subject them to incessant infantilization. They use their nightly performance to remind her that she is an unwanted abomination who deserves humiliation. When Daciana destroys Claudia’s hopes with fire, the coven spits in her face. Worst of all, Louis, the only person she still calls a relative, witnesses the coven’s abuse and fails to intervene. Season 2 begins with Louis promising Claudia a fresh start; they will be a couple united against the world. Regardless, when Louis once again amasses power, a new hobby, and a new lover, he casts Claudia aside. Claudia has never been more eviscerated, bitter, and brittle – which means she’s never had more clarity.

Madeleine and Claudia from “Interview with a Vampire” get along

Claudia (Delainey Hayles) in her child costume offers Madeleine (Roxanne Duran) a program in Interview with a Vampire in front of Madeleine's clothing store
Image via AMC

Madeleine is a French seamstress who is more than meets the eye. She spends most of her time with interview as a rare person in the series. She is also the only person who actively and consciously chooses Claudia at every step their doomed love affair. You don’t have to be a vampire to know the dangers of loneliness and how it forces people to make controversial decisions (to put it mildly). As a child, Madeleine was orphaned by a tuberculosis outbreak that also claimed her sister. As an adult, Madeleine watched her neighbors starve to death during the Nazi occupation of France. When a 19-year-old German lieutenant offered her sex, she said yes for the same reason – as an antidote to all the dying. “It was (for) the comfort,” she explains. “He was alive.”


Who are the Talamasca? “Interview with the Secret Society of Vampires” explains

This secret organization has a complicated history (and members).

It is quite impossible to condone sleeping with a fascist, even if Madeleine compromised her morals for just one night. Nevertheless, every character in Interview with the vampire is a deeply flawed, walking contradiction and marked by accumulating trauma. Despite Madeleine’s better judgement, she pursued danger because she craved emotional connection. Since then, she has been ostracized by her community – not unlike Claudia. Their equally combative behavior doesn’t make them instant friends, but both women seem to enjoy it when the other shows her teeth. Madeleine tracks Claudia’s hollow stare and spares her some caustic advice. Claudia confesses her worst impulses when she doesn’t hide her lovestruck grin. Madeleine’s keen intuition recognizes Claudia as her mirror, even if she can’t say exactly how much.

Madeleine is the only person who chooses Claudia

The series doesn’t tell us where Claudia is when three of Madeleine’s neighbors try to rape and murder her in her home. It doesn’t matter; Claudia saves Madeleine by massacring her attackers. Claudia definitively chooses Madeleine over the coven, risking Madeleine rejecting her true nature. In turn, Madeleine chooses Claudia by embracing her vampirism with morbid excitement. It’s not a morally repugnant crime, but a lifeline: a chance to remake her life. Finally, for the first time, Claudia finds someone who understands heraccepts her unconditionally and wants to share her company. “I can choose one thing,” she says to Louis, “and that is her,” and calls Madeleine the “X” on Claudia’s card.

And unlike Claudia, Madeleine chooses to be transformed. If she already calls herself a monster, then she and Claudia are two of the same kind. They recognize themselves in each other and forge a forbidden bond: an adult human and an adult vampire child, two women and two outcasts from the community. They don’t wonder; they know. All in all, and compared to Louis’ love affairs, Their bond is healthy and communicativea harmonious relationship completely free of manipulation.

Claudia and Madeleine are the greatest tragedy of “Interview with a Vampire”

Claudia (Delainey Hayles) and Madeleine (Roxanne Duran) sit close together on a bench and hold hands while crying in Interview with a Vampire
Image via AMC+

The coven destroys her joy because of their deliberate sadism. After a lifetime of tragedy, battered back and forth at the cost of her freedom, Claudia is punished for breaking rules she never knew existed. But Claudia, the realist, surrenders to her devastatingly cruel fate and it is nothing short of a defiant inferno. Forever her only advocate for herself, Claudia accomplishes what neither Madeleine nor Louis can by walking on feet with severed tendons. With cool, collected fury, she spits out vengeful promises. We expect nothing less from Claudia than to die fightingand that’s what it does – an absolute masterpiece.

Then there is Madeleine, facing the mob for the second time. She refuses to save herself by denying Claudia, even when Claudia urges her to do so. “My circle is Claudia,” she says with the tender resilience of a marriage vow. She refuses to back down. Her love is not only worth sacrificing her human life for, it is worth this gruesome finality. In the final minutes of Claudia’s love-starved life Madeleine gives her the validation she sought, needed and desperately deserves. Claudia cannot be said to die contented, but she clings to the only love of her life until the sunlight turns Madeleine to dust – leaving this cursed, eternal child alone for the last time. Neither woman asked for more than love and the chance to live a fulfilling life without the burden of judgment or despair. Instead, interviewThe haunting final image of Claudia and Madeleine, backlit by a theater spotlight and amid the murmurs of a satisfied audience, shows two piles of ashes lying on top of each other.

New episodes of Interview with the vampire Season 2 premieres weekly on Sundays and can be streamed on AMC+.

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