
North Korea fuels attempt at a “new Cold War” with failed missile launch after Russia treaty

North Korea fuels attempt at a “new Cold War” with failed missile launch after Russia treaty

In response to the launch, the South Korean Marine Corps resumed a large-scale shooting exercise on islands near the disputed inter-Korean maritime border in the Yellow Sea on Wednesday for the first time in seven years.

The resumption came after the South completely suspended the 2018 agreement to ease inter-Korean relations in early June, which included a ban on hostile activities near the border.

The Marine Corps said its troops fired more than 290 live rounds into the waters off Yeonpyeong and Baengnyeong islands during the drills, using K9 howitzers, Chunmoo multiple rocket launchers and Spike anti-tank missiles.

In 2010, North Korea shelled Yeonpyeong Island during an exercise in protest against South Korean artillery shelling of the sea, killing four South Koreans.

A Spike missile is fired towards the sea off Yeonpyeong Island on the border with North Korea in South Korea. Photo: EPA-EFE
The North is said to have tested a hypersonic solid-fuel rocket in its last launch. North Korea said in January And April This year, solid-fuel hypersonic missiles for medium and long range were successfully tested.
Pyongyang aims to develop Hypersonic missiles because they can glide at more than five times the speed of sound during the descent phase, making it difficult to intercept them.

Solid-fuel rockets are considered harder to detect than liquid-fuel rockets because they require less preparation.

Hypersonic missiles are a key element of the North’s five-year defense buildup plan, which is due to be completed next year, said Yang Moo-jin, president of the University of North Korean Studies.

“North Korea is taking full advantage of the new Cold War atmosphere, exacerbated by the conflict between Russia and Ukraine, to circumvent sanctions and nuclear deterrence capabilities,” Yang told This Week in Asia.

“This is a political windfall for the North,” he said, pointing out that North Korea is receiving economic benefits and technology from Russia in return for the supply of ammunition and the opportunity to play Moscow off against Beijing and draw both countries closer to itself.

A picture released by North Korean state media shows the test of an alleged missile guidance and combat separation system on Wednesday. Photo: KCNA via Reuters

Other projects in the defense plan, which was adopted at the North’s eighth party congress in 2021, included intercontinental ballistic missiles, multiple warhead guidance technology, nuclear submarines and military reconnaissance satellites.

The launch on Wednesday came after Pyongyang condemned the arrival in South Korea the USS Theodore Rooseveltand threatens with The United States’ The US Air Force warns of the aircraft carrier’s presence by taking “overwhelming and new” deterrent measures against the “provocative” act.
The aircraft carrier arrived in Busan, 320 km southeast of Seoul, on Saturday, ahead of a first trilateral exercise with South Korea and Japanincluding air, sea, underwater and cyber exercises.

The code name of the exercise “Freedom Edge” is derived from the bilateral exercises the United States conducts with its Asian allies, including “Freedom Shield” with South Korea and “Keen Edge” with Japan.

South Korea’s President Yoon Suk-yeol On Tuesday, he boarded the aircraft carrier and said the visit symbolized the US’s “firm” security commitment to his country and the “extended deterrence” of the trilateral alliance.
South Korean soldiers inspect a garbage balloon suspected to have come from North Korea that was discovered in Seoul this month. Photo: EPA-EFE

“Cooperation between South Korea, the United States and Japan, which share the values ​​of liberal democracy, will become another powerful deterrent alongside the South Korea-US alliance,” he said.

A summit last week in Pyongyang between the Russian President Wladimir Putin and North Korean leader Kim Jong Un led to the signing of a comprehensive strategic cooperation treaty in which both sides committed themselves to coming to each other’s aid in the event of an attack.

On Tuesday, Yoon condemned the signing as “anachronistic” and in violation of international sanctions.

The North’s latest rocket launch came just hours after it sent balloons filled with garbage to the South for the second day in a row on the night of Tuesday to Sunday.

Since late last month, North Korea has reportedly launched more than 2,000 such balloons in response to anti-Pyongyang propaganda leaflets sent by North Korean defectors and activists in the South.

A rally at Mayday Stadium in Pyongyang on Tuesday to mark the “Day of Struggle Against US Imperialism” on the occasion of the 74th anniversary of the Korean War. Photo: AFP

In Pyongyang, North Korean authorities gathered more than 100,000 people at a sports stadium on Tuesday to hold a large “Hate America” ​​rally to mark the anniversary of the outbreak of the Korean War (1950-1953), state media reported on Wednesday.

The stadium was “filled with the spirit of avengers who wanted to destroy the enemy that massacred the Korean people,” KCNA said.

Lim Eul-chul, a senior researcher at the Institute of Far Eastern Studies, said: “All these moves reflect the North’s paranoia and growing security concerns, even as it appears to be raising the stakes after signing a new treaty with Russia.”

There are growing calls in South Korea to arm itself with nuclear weapons rather than relying entirely on the US nuclear deterrent. Na Kyung-won, a senior politician in the ruling People Power Party, said on Tuesday that the PPP should make this a party policy.

“It is worrying to see this vicious cycle of escalating tensions with no diplomatic way out in sight on the horizon. Where will this all end?” Lim told This Week in Asia.