
UK election analysis: Parties must strengthen their climate action plans

UK election analysis: Parties must strengthen their climate action plans

With the general election looming on 4 July, it is imperative that the incoming government has a clear and ambitious strategy to phase out fossil fuel production and use in the UK. Oil Change UK’s latest analysis examines the manifestos of the major parties and reveals a worrying lack of decisive climate action.

During the first weeks of this short campaign, party activists were knocking on doors in the hottest spring on record. Then, as spring turned to summer, it started to rain, and the summer is expected to be the wettest on record. And yet there has been shockingly little on the climate issue from the political parties vying for votes.

In March, Oil Change International published a report: “Troubled waters” ranked the UK second to last among North Sea countries in oil and gas production policy. Using the same rubric, this manifesto analysis confirms that none of the major parties’ plans are fully aligned with the Paris Agreement, underscoring the urgent need for stronger climate commitments.

Key findings:

  • Green Party: Leads on climate action and proposes key actions for a just transition with corresponding financing commitments, but must increase support for countries in the Global South.
  • Workers’ Party: Regulatory reforms are promising, but the country lacks sufficient resources to effectively implement its climate agenda.
  • Liberal Democrats: Offers some positive steps but falls short because policy details are vague and ambition is lacking.
  • Conservative Party: The UK’s climate performance is being worsened by the commitment to annual licensing rounds and the blatant misalignment in key areas.

Rosemary Harris, senior campaigner at Oil Change International, said:
“Time is running out to tackle the climate crisis. Britain, once a climate leader in the global north, must take bold and decisive action. Current manifestos are not enough and without immediate improvements we risk catastrophic consequences for our planet. The climate crisis is our wake-up call. Our politicians must act urgently or we will be stuck in a burning house with no escape plan.

“It is crucial for all parties to strengthen their climate policies to secure the future of our country and the planet.”

Read the analysis
