
OpenAI delays ChatGPT voice mode for security reasons | Technology News

OpenAI delays ChatGPT voice mode for security reasons | Technology News

ChatGPT reportedly delays the enhanced voice mode that allows the AI-powered chatbot to have human conversations with emotions.

ChatGPT | ChatGPT Advanced Voice Mode | ChatGPT New FeaturesChatGPT recently introduced its latest large language model – GPT-4o. (Express Photo)

Last month, OpenAI unveiled GPT-4o, showing off a new enhanced “voice mode” for ChatGPT that can “understand and respond to emotions and nonverbal cues.” The company said it will be available to a small group of people in late June.

However, in a post on X, the company said it would delay the rollout of the feature by a month as it “improves the model’s ability to detect and reject certain content.” It added that the new functionality will not be available until it passes certain internal security and reliability checks.

While the company hasn’t announced exact timelines for the rollout of Enhanced Voice Mode, the feature will be available to ChatGPT Plus subscribers sometime in July. Additionally, Enhanced Voice Mode won’t be available to all paying users until fall.

However, the delay will not affect the launch of the new video and screen sharing features that the company showed off at its spring event last month. To recap, these features include the ability to solve math problems just by looking at an image, explain various device settings, and more. OpenAI says these features will be available on both the mobile and macOS versions of the app.

Last month, OpenAI employees demonstrated some upcoming features, including ChatGPT, which answered queries almost instantly. The company’s advanced voice mode recently came under fire after Hollywood actress Scarlett Johansson accused OpenAI of using a voice that sounded “eerily similar” to hers, prompting CEO Sam Altman to say they would be removing “Sky” from their products.

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First uploaded on: 26-06-2024 at 15:53 ​​IST