
Take action against combine and field fires

Take action against combine and field fires


Ohio ranks fourth in the nation in wildfires

Two recommendations to prevent injury and property damage from combine fires are preventive maintenance and planning ahead for fire emergencies. (OSU CFAES)

COLUMBUS, Ohio — Weather conditions have helped Ohio’s wheat fields mature a little earlier this year — but those same conditions can lead to an increase in combine and grain field fires. Accidental fires are never a happy event. Two recommendations to help prevent injuries and property damage are preventative maintenance and planning ahead for fire emergencies.

Ohio ranks fourth in the nation for combined fires. Other states that top the list are Minnesota (1st), Iowa (2and), Illinois (3rd), Kansas (5th), Nebraska (6th) and South Dakota (7th).

Most harvester fires start in the engine compartment. Factors contributing to heat sources include faulty wiring, overheated bearings, leaking fuel or hydraulic oil. The dry crop residue is a source of rapid combustion when the machine is operating in the field. Birds and wildlife are known to build nests in the engine compartment or exhaust manifolds – which can provide an additional source of fuel for unsuspecting combine operators.

Tips for preventing combine fires:

  • Create a daily maintenance schedule during harvest time. Good maintenance of machinery plays a large role in preventing fires from these sources. Wiping up spills, regularly blowing off chaff, leaves and other plant materials, properly lubricating bearings/chains and checking electrical connections should be part of the daily routine. Farmers can do their daily maintenance in the morning while waiting for the dew to burn off the plants. However, if maintenance is done at night, any hot spots or smoldering areas will become apparent as the machine cools down. Removing chaff at the end of the day reduces the amount of debris that can start a fire.
  • Eliminate static electricity. A chain can also be attached to the bottom of the machine to be dragged along the ground in the field. This reduces the build-up of static electricity.

If a fire breaks out, it is important to have an emergency plan ready:

  • At the first sign of a fire, call 911 or your local emergency number. Don’t wait to know if you can contain a fire yourself. A quick response is important to save valuable equipment. Combine fires often occur in remote locations where an exact address may not be available and access is limited. In these situations, emergency response times are longer.
  • Have (2) ABC fire extinguishers installed on the combine harvester. A 10-pound ABC dry chemical fire extinguisher in the cab or near the cab ladder provides quick access to protect the operator. It is recommended that a second fire extinguisher (20-pound ABC) be mounted on the outside of the combine where it is accessible from the ground. One unit can put out a small fire; the second unit will help with further flare-ups. Don’t forget to check that fire extinguishers are fully charged at the beginning of the season. If you don’t have fire extinguishers on hand when you need them, you’ll feel helpless watching one of your most expensive pieces of equipment go up in flames.
  • Have a water truck positioned next to the field. Hot exhaust pipes and catalytic converters from other vehicles driving in the field can pose a danger to dry field forage. It can take 15 to 30 minutes to notice smoldering material. A small gust of wind can quickly turn smoldering into a fire. In extremely dry conditions, a fire truck can help prevent field fires. Never use water on fires caused by electricity or fuel.
  • Have an emergency plan ready and discuss it with other employees or family members. Knowing what to do in case of fire is important. Knowing the address of the field and knowing how to contact the fire department directly rather than through the 911 emergency system are important safety issues for the entire harvest crew.

Don’t think that something like this can never happen on your farm. Take preventative measures and be prepared.

— Wayne Dellinger, CCA, Dee Jepsen, Ohio State University CFAES