
OpenAI delays launch of seductive voice assistant ChatGPT – here’s why: Technology: Tech Times

OpenAI delays launch of seductive voice assistant ChatGPT – here’s why: Technology: Tech Times

OpenAI has finally delivered an update to ChatGPT’s enhanced voice mode, which was introduced during the Spring Update. Originally scheduled to roll out to a limited group of ChatGPT Plus users by the end of June, the company has pushed the rollout back a month to ensure the app meets its high standards.

While the excitement surrounding OpenAI was on everyone’s lips, reinstated co-founder Greg Brockman announced that ChatGPT Voice would be free for all users.
(Photo: ilgmyzin from Unsplash)

OpenAI delays launch of seductive ChatGPT voice assistants

OpenAI has delayed the launch of its alluring ChatGPT voice assistants, pushing their release to the fall for most users. If you’re dying to interact with one of these fascinating AI voice assistants this summer, you’ll have to wait a little longer.

The company announced Tuesday that the enhanced voice mode feature needs more time to meet launch standards. It will first roll out the feature to a small group of users to gather feedback, and then roll it out to all paying ChatGPT customers later this year.

OpenAI is currently improving the model’s ability to recognize and manage certain types of content. In addition, the company is focused on improving the user experience and preparing its infrastructure to handle millions of interactions while maintaining real-time responsiveness.

The deployment strategy will begin with a small alpha group to gather initial feedback. Plans to expand access to all Plus users by fall are contingent on meeting strict security and reliability criteria. OpenAI is also moving forward with separate developments for new video and screen sharing features. Updates on timelines will be provided shortly.

ChatGPT’s enhanced voice mode is designed to enable more dynamic and natural interactions, pushing AI toward real-time conversational capabilities. OpenAI remains committed to delivering these improvements thoughtfully and effectively.

OpenAI’s decision to delay the release of its advanced ChatGPT voice assistants until the fall reflects its commitment to high performance and user safety. While this delay may disappoint those looking forward to interacting with these innovative tools in the summer, it underscores OpenAI’s commitment to improving its capabilities.

By prioritizing improvements in content filtering, user experience, and scalability, OpenAI aims to enable more seamless and responsive AI interaction.

Also read: OpenAI introduces Her-inspired voice assistant for ChatGPT with real-time translation and expression recognition

Legal challenges surrounding OpenAI’s Sky Voice demo

ChatGPT has had voice capabilities since 2023. However, OpenAI recently unveiled an improved version that impressed many with its remarkably human-like characteristics and drew comparisons to Samantha, the seductive voice assistant portrayed by Scarlett Johansson in the 2013 film “Her.”

Following the presentation, Johansson publicly criticized OpenAI, claiming that the technology had mimicked her voice without her consent, although the company denied using her voice.

She said she had instructed her lawyers to write to OpenAI and ask for clarification on how the Sky voice was created. The actress noted that OpenAI had previously asked her to provide her voice for the assistant, an offer she had turned down.

OpenAI stressed that Sky’s voice was not intentionally modeled after Johansson’s, but that statement may not protect the company from potential legal consequences.

OpenAI CEO Sam Altman may have inadvertently made the situation worse. At a recent company event, Altman cryptically posted the word “her” on X, which seemed to indicate the similarity between the demo and the character from the film.

Related article: Scarlett Johansson may sue OpenAI over ChatGPT voice similarity

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