
Tax credits available for clean energy projects in Central Michigan

Tax credits available for clean energy projects in Central Michigan

CENTRAL MICHIGAN (WNEM) – The U.S. government could spend billions of dollars in Central Michigan.

On Tuesday, June 25, local politicians learned about the federal grants available to them thanks to the Inflation Control Act.

There are tax incentives available for clean energy projects in Central Michigan that officials say can benefit the environment and residents.

On Tuesday, representatives from the U.S. Departments of Treasury and Energy, the Michigan Infrastructure Office, and the Department of Environment, Great Lakes and Energy presented tax credits and financing options available through the Inflation Reduction Act to local politicians.

The presentations took place in both Saginaw and Flint and were aimed at city officials and community entities such as school districts, churches and other nonprofit organizations.

Examples of clean energy projects that could benefit from the Inflation Reduction Act include solar roofs over parking lots to lower ground temperatures and generate energy or the construction of solar fields to power school districts.

Officials said the available tax credits could reduce the cost of these projects by 6 to 50 percent and also help cities transition to a clean energy economy.

“Once people understand the value that this funding can provide, they can start planning how to implement new clean energy capital projects to facilitate the transition to clean energy, create jobs and reduce costs. And we think that’s critical,” said Zachary Kolodin, chief infrastructure official at the Michigan Infrastructure Office.

It is currently unclear what specific plans there are in Saginaw and Flint, but Kolodin said the presentations have been received with enthusiasm.

Other investment opportunities under the Inflation Reduction Act could include roads and bridges, high-speed internet and water infrastructure.

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