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Life is like a complex puzzle, isn’t it? If we examine all the pieces of our memories, experiences and possibilities, a beautiful masterpiece can emerge over time. Your weekly horoscope for June 24-30 reveals the missing piece of your life that you will finally understand. Here is what each Zodiac Signs we can expect this week as we continue our Summer full of possibilities!

Your weekly horoscope topics for June 24 to 30


This week, a journey of self-discovery and revelations awaits us. The Messenger planetMercury is currently in the sign of Cancer and will provide clues about how we can improve our current situation. The key is to rely on your intuition and put logic aside. This concept may be challenging, but this new approach will allow you to step into your new and improved self.

It’s about analyzing your feelings and assessing your daily patterns.

Mercury will be in a supportive position with the marriage and commitment asteroid Juno, on 24 JuneIf you have experienced challenges in your life Relationshipthis is an ideal day to share your thoughts and ideas with your partner. The moon is waning now, so it is also a great opportunity to let go of the past and move things forward with mutual understanding and peace.

The messenger planet continues to rule this week as Mercury is in opposition to Ceres on 25th June. Ceres is the asteroid that represents motherhood and the way you nurture. On this day, it would be ideal to show self-compassion if you are feeling uncomfortable because of your early experiences with educators or caregivers. Give yourself a day of grace and self-love so you feel more centered and confident about your next steps.

Now everything becomes clear as Mercury comes into harmony with Saturn. June 26th! Although these exchanges may be transactional and business-like, you can expect results and traction that include long-term plans. You will complete tasks seamlessly and have the confidence to Goals. Remember to talk about your next steps when others are involved.

Sir Mercury continues his movement and meets Chiron, the wounded healer, in a tense position June 28th. This planetary event can be that nagging little voice that drains your energy when you’re feeling unsure about your next steps. Try not to let your past missteps dictate your dreams for the future. Keep going and hold on to the possibility of success.

Remember that positives can amplify just as quickly as negatives – pick a side.

29 June will give you a cosmic boost as you learn to boost your self-esteem. Love planets Venus and Mars will be in a supportive formation, offering you cosmic support so you can receive love and devotion. Mercury will bring you chance encounters or events as it meets Uranus in a supportive position. With the planets Venus, Mars, Mercury and Uranus working together, it will be an ideal day to take risks and explore the unknown with an open heart. Plan a night out for two or go out and meet new people.

The possibilities are endless.

Important dates for your weekly horoscope

Cora Pursley

  • 24.6. Mercury sextile Juno
  • 25.6. Mercury is opposite Ceres
  • 26.6. Mercury trine Saturn
  • 28.6. Mercury square Chiron
  • 29.6. Venus sextile Mars, Saturn Rx, Mercury sextile Uranus

Read your sun, moon and ascendant signs for your weekly horoscope

Brit + Co


Focus on nurturing your home environment and deepening connections with loved ones, Aries. Have heartfelt conversations that strengthen bonds—even though those conversations can feel difficult at times. Invest in creating a cozy space that supports your well-being and financially Stability. All of this together creates more opportunities for balance and harmony in your life.


Immerse yourself in learning and broadening your horizons, Taurus. Engage in conversations that inspire you and teach you something new. Read a new Book. Check out a documentary. Be confident in yourself by pursuing your goals and making your voice heard. This will ultimately lead to greater success, both now and later in your life.


Take responsibility for your Finance and rethink what is really important, Gemini. You can still spend your time, money and energy on things that matter – but make sure you do just that. Communicate your needs clearly and make choices that align with your values. Find joy in activities that restore your inner peace and creativity.

Brit + Co


It’s your time to shine! Express your ideas and pursue your dreams, Cancer. Connect deeply with others who support your aspirations, be they FriendsFamily, partner, coworkers or others. This week you are empowered to initiate positive changes in your personal and professional life. It’s your astrological season, so use this cosmic energy to pursue your ultimate dream life.


Introspection can help you gain clarity and recharge your emotional batteries, Leo. While you have plenty of energy to put into it, take this time to pause and reflect rather than giving it your all. Trust your instincts as you take decisive steps toward your Career Goals. Show your inner strength and be authentic in everything you do.


Work with like-minded people and enjoy the synergy of shared goals, Virgo. Showcase your talents and ideas in your community. Expand your network and seize opportunities that align with your vision for the future. And remember, people want to help you – you don’t have to go through this alone.

Brit + Co


Raise your career goals and present your ideas confidently, Libra. You can strengthen and improve your professional relationships this week through clear communication and strategic networking. Pursue your passions and deepen meaningful connections that bring fulfillment. Don’t be afraid to go after what you want!


Open yourself to new perspectives and expand your horizons through learning and exploring, Scorpio. Engage in conversations that challenge and inspire you. Rekindle the excitement in your relationships by sharing adventures and emotionally Connections. They can tear down your walls.


Focus on Self-care and care Routines that promote well-being, Sagittarius – and not just face masks and bubble baths. Dive deep into personal growth opportunities and have transformative experiences. Bring balance to your life this week and cultivate habits that support your holistic health.

Brit + Co


Strengthen partnerships and cooperation through mutual understanding and respect, Capricorn. Assert your wishes confidently in your personal and professional relationships. Express your creativity and pursue passions that bring Joy and fulfillment. While your determination at work is admirable, make sure you also put some dedication into what you’re passionate about elsewhere.


Organize Organize your everyday life efficiently and improve your health and LuckAquarius. You have so many big, wonderful ideas, so don’t let them get lost in the chaos of life. Communicate openly at work and create a supportive environment. Find peace and stability by designing a harmonious living space that meets your needs.


Hug your creativity and express yourself authentically through artistic pursuits and heartfelt interactions, Pisces. Your big feelings can safely exist without overwhelming you or others when you channel them here. Connect with your community and build meaningful relationships. This week invites you to follow your passions and create moments of joy and connection.

Looking for astrological advice? Send your questions to Ask Lumi here!

Header image of Grace McCuistion