
The Free Beacon refuses to publish Hillary Clinton’s new book cover. The reason is obvious.

The Free Beacon refuses to publish Hillary Clinton’s new book cover. The reason is obvious.

Advertising materials contain dangerous misinformation, analysis shows

Warning: The following post contains harmful misinformation that is likely part of a foreign influence operation to interfere in American politics. Some readers may find it disturbing, while other readers may be too stupid to avoid being brainwashed. Please exercise caution.

Hillary Clinton has written a new book. Something lost, something gained: reflections on life, love and freedom is due to be published in mid-September, about eight years after the author suffered a health breakdown during the election campaign in Manhattan.

We regret to inform you that according to the results of a Washington Free Beacon According to analysis, the promotional materials for Hillary’s next book are dangerously misleading at best. For example, the photo of the author on the cover has been misleadingly edited beyond recognition. Our analysts were unable to verify the identity of the person seen in the image.

Given the media’s caution regarding suspect material – including the Associated Press’ decision in March to withdraw a “manipulated” photo of Kate Middleton – Free Beacon refuses to publish the photo without providing the following crucial context to help our readers distinguish fact from fiction.

The outrageous photo wasn’t the only thing we found disturbing. Simon & Schuster’s promotional copy claims that Hillary will explain in the book how she “left her dream of being president behind.” That’s a blatant lie. She will never get over losing to Donald Trump in 2016 and has repeatedly suggested the election was rigged.

In light of the cover scandal, we believe the publisher’s claim that Hillary will show readers “how to age gracefully” is also dangerously misleading. We were particularly alarmed by the statement from Hillary’s editor, Priscilla Painton, who claimed that the book would “show the Hillary that Americans have come to know and love: open, engaging, humorous, self-deprecating – and always learning.”

We rarely come across a sentence that consists almost entirely of demonstrably false words. Therefore, we must conclude that Something lost, something gained is the work of a sinister foreign actor seeking to undermine the pillars of American democracy through misinformation, propaganda and compromising. We can’t let them win. Free Beacon will never cease to equip our readers with the critical weapons necessary to fight back against these heinous attempts to corrupt the American consciousness.

Stay alert! Be alert!