
“Our goal is to make global SDG data accessible and understandable for everyone”

“Our goal is to make global SDG data accessible and understandable for everyone”

25 June 2024 – Later this month, UN DESA will release the latest data tracking progress on the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). What goes into the work of collecting, monitoring and analysing the data and what can we expect from the latest report? Ahead of the release, we spoke to Heather Page from UN DESA, who explains.

What would you like to share with readers about the work being done to track SDG progress around the world?

“Monitoring and reporting SDG progress is a massive global effort that requires significant resources, expertise and collaboration between governments, international organizations and other stakeholders. Despite challenges, countries are stepping up their SDG monitoring and providing data on an increasing number of SDG indicators to regulators over the years. Over 50 international and regional agencies then process and compile data and produce analyses for the global SDG database and annual SDG reports. UN DESA’s Statistics Division plays a critical role in coordinating the global SDG reporting process by compiling data and storylines on over 220 SDG indicators and disseminating them in a variety of ways to reach a wide audience – from data experts to the general public. Our goal is to make global data and insights on the SDGs accessible and understandable to all.”

What can we expect from the SDG progress report this year?

“The report will show that the clock has not stopped, but that we face significant challenges to make meaningful progress towards achieving the SDGs. The world has faced strong headwinds since 2020, and the latest data and evidence do not yet show the determined, sustainable comeback we need. The report will detail areas of setbacks, while showing where concrete progress has been made, for example in reducing global child mortality, preventing HIV infections, and access to energy and mobile broadband. The report highlights where action needs to be accelerated, particularly in critical areas that are undermining progress on the SDGs – climate change, peace and security, inequalities between and within countries, to name a few.”

How can the report be used to develop recommendations or solutions to advance SDG progress?

“The annual SDG report serves as a fundamental resource by providing the latest data and evidence for developing recommendations and solutions to advance progress towards the SDGs. It not only identifies gaps and challenges, but also provides valuable insights into their causes and solutions. By providing a comprehensive assessment of our current state, it enables the global community to prioritize areas for accelerated action and targeted interventions. The report underscores the urgency of addressing stalled progress, particularly in developing countries and among vulnerable populations, and highlights the need for faster and more comprehensive implementation of our efforts. Given the continued commitment of governments to the 2030 Agenda, we remain confident of achieving our shared goals.”

For further updates on the release of the latest SDG Progress Report, please visit this page:
Website with the indicators for the sustainable development goals