
Unregistered likely GOP voters in Wisconsin and Michigan plan to participate in November

Unregistered likely GOP voters in Wisconsin and Michigan plan to participate in November

Nearly two-thirds of unregistered, likely Republican voters in Wisconsin and Michigan plan to register in time to vote in November.

According to a new poll from Campaign Now, there is a large number of untapped and unregistered voters from right-wing backgrounds, and 25 percent of them want help registering.

“The fact that 62% of respondents said they are interested in participating in 2024 shows the opportunities for engagement, and the fact that nearly a quarter of those respondents said they would be happy to lend their support shows that this should be a priority for conservative campaigns, the Republican Party and like-minded political organizations,” said John Connors of Campaign Now.

President Biden speaks during an event marking the 12th anniversary of the Deferred Action of Childhood Arrivals program in the East Room of the White House June 18, 2024 in Washington. AP

According to the survey, there is “a potential unregistered, likely Republican-leaning citizen group of about 3 million” in the five swing states with the largest presidential elections.

This includes 311,206 unregistered likely Republican voters in Wisconsin and 581,173 unregistered likely Republican voters in Michigan.

That’s more than enough voters to swing Wisconsin and Michigan to former President Trump this year.

Former President Trump speaks during a campaign rally on June 18, 2024 in Racine, Wisconsin. REUTERS

Trump lost Wisconsin to President Biden by just over 22,000 votes in 2020. He lost Michigan to Biden by about 154,000 votes.

Connors said most of the unregistered likely Republicans were too busy with work and their families, while a significant portion simply do not trust their local election officials.

“This is perhaps the hardest group of citizens to reach that I have ever seen,” Connor said.

“There is a high level of apathy and distrust of the political and electoral process, as well as a strong focus on one’s own priorities in family and work life. This means that this group is understandably reluctant to register as voters, let alone participate in elections.”

Despite the mistrust and a certain voter fatigue, the survey found that 62 percent of respondents said they would like to vote in the 2024 presidential election.

However, 62 percent of these voters also said they had little to no interest in the assistance needed to register.

Guests attend a campaign rally hosted by Trump at Festival Park in Racine, Wisconsin on June 18, 2024. Getty Images

Connors said this is a problem, but he added that Republicans and grassroots conservative organizations should not give up on these unregistered voters.

“In my experience with some of the top organizations focused on activating this type of non-voter, if an organization realistically measures all expenses such as staff costs, marketing and advertising costs and allocates them to a measurable new voter, the cost per new voter can be between $150 and $200,” Connors explained.

“But once a citizen is registered, the registration rate is over 93%. So it really is a great investment.”

Campaign Now admits that the survey only includes a small number of respondents. Connors said they tried to contact about 15,000 unregistered nonvoters in Wisconsin and Michigan.

They received 300 completed questionnaires, of which the sample of 162 was only a subset who admitted not being registered.