
Australia: UNESCO declares Great Barrier Reef ‘seriously threatened’ and calls for urgent action | World News

Australia: UNESCO declares Great Barrier Reef ‘seriously threatened’ and calls for urgent action | World News

UNESCO warned that Australia’s Great Barrier Reef “remains under serious threat” and urged the country to take immediate action to protect the world’s largest coral system.

“Urgent and sustained action is a top priority,” said a draft decision by the United Nations cultural organization published late Monday.

“Huge victory,” says Environment Minister

UNESCO called on Australia to update its conservation efforts by early next year, but did not recommend placing the reef on the list of endangered heritage sites.

The organisation praised Australia’s measures to improve water quality and restrict gillnet fishing, but expressed concern about deforestation and called for more ambitious emissions reduction targets.

Australia’s Minister for Environment and Water, Tanya Plibersek, described the cultural organisation’s decision as a “great victory”.

also read | Coral reefs damaged: what is the problem?

“We are taking action on climate change, improving local water quality, protecting our marine life, tackling invasive species and investing a record amount in reef programs,” she said in a statement on Tuesday.

The UN body nevertheless asked Canberra to provide an update on Australia’s actions regarding the reef by February next year. The country had asked UNESCO to wait until 2026.

Environmental groups call for a halt to new fossil fuel projects

However, the Australian environmental organisation Climate Council criticised Plibersek’s positive interpretation of UNESCO’s warning and emphasised the repeated coral bleaching events and the demand for a phase-out of fossil fuels.

“Every new coal and gas project puts harmful climate pollution into the atmosphere and puts the reef at even greater risk. The government must build on its clean energy plans and also plan to phase out fossil fuels,” said Amanda McKenzie, chief executive of the Climate Council.

Environmental groups such as Greenpeace and the World Wide Fund for Nature also called on Australia to further reduce emissions and stop new fossil fuel projects.

What is the Great Barrier Reef?

The Great Barrier Reef on the northeast coast of Australia has the world’s largest concentration of coral reefs. It is home to 400 species of coral, 1,500 species of fish and 4,000 species of mollusks.

It is also home to endangered species such as the dugong (sea cow) and the giant green sea turtle.

The reef, known for its biodiversity, attracts around 2 million visitors every year.