
PAHO director calls for immediate action to curb maternal mortality in the Americas

PAHO director calls for immediate action to curb maternal mortality in the Americas

Dr. Jarbas Barbosa, director of the Pan American Health Organization (PAHO), has issued a wake-up call to reduce maternal mortality throughout the Americas, including the Caribbean.

PAHO reports highlight a worrying regression in maternal health: in 2020, one mother died every hour across Latin America and the Caribbean.

This alarming statistic represents a significant regression from the twenty years of progress in maternal health indicators in the Region.

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Worsening health inequalities

The COVID-19 pandemic has significantly contributed to exacerbating existing inequalities, particularly affecting women’s access to basic health services.

This situation has led to a 15 percent increase in the maternal mortality rate between 2016 and 2020.

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Despite high coverage of antenatal care and good access to health facilities during childbirth, these figures are in stark contrast to what would be expected at this level of regional development.

Investments fall short of expectations

More than 90 percent of women attend at least four antenatal visits and the percentage of births in health facilities with skilled care is similarly high. The effectiveness of these services is therefore under scrutiny.

Dr Barbosa stressed the need to investigate why significant investments in health have not led to better outcomes, and suggested that socioeconomic, cultural, educational and environmental factors contribute to the high maternal mortality rate.

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Strategic responses to maternal mortality

Dr. Barbosa urged the implementation of strategies to address the vulnerabilities and deep-rooted gender norms that impact women’s health.

He proposed strengthening health systems based on primary health care as a key approach to ensure universal access to and delivery of health care, which could be crucial in reducing maternal mortality.

Joint effort to improve

PAHO has developed a strategy to accelerate the reduction of maternal mortality, which provides a framework for action that can be adapted to the specific circumstances of each country.

This strategy requires a high level of prioritisation and commitment at the local level and places a particular focus on women in the most vulnerable situations.

The Director stressed the need for a collaborative, collaborative approach involving academia, civil society and affected communities to mobilise the resources needed for effective action.

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