
Ben Sollee “If you learn it”

Ben Sollee “If you learn it”

He is a treasure from Kentucky. Ben Sollee has released the new single “When will you learn” from his upcoming release, Long distancePublication expected on sonaBLAST! Recordings August 16th. This follows the first single “Misty Miles”.

Ben said the following about the new track: “I’ve been singing this to myself for almost a year now and I can’t wait for you to hear it! What is this song, you ask?”

“Like everyone else, I carry around a lot of ideas about who I am and what people expect of me. Much of my life revolves around striving to fulfill those expectations. I have to learn again and again that I can only be who I want to be.”

“I believe there is an innate intelligence within us that can serve as a compass in life. It is subtle, scary and often ignored in the noise of life. Just like music, you must tune into the frequency of that inner voice. In many ways, Long-COVID was my teacher and I am still learning to let go, be present and listen.”

“‘When You Gonna Learn’ asks the question over and over again, as if I were leaving Post-its all over the house in my head reminding me that the answer is hidden inside me.”

Ben will perform at The big stomper on Saturday, July 27th.

WFPK Song of the Day highlights a song we love – weekdays at 11:10am.