
Voice, diversity and technology in the age of AI

Voice, diversity and technology in the age of AI

In an increasingly digital world, the voice plays a crucial role not only in communication, but also in the construction and negotiation of social identities. Language-based discrimination remains a persistent reality that particularly affects the LGBTQI+ community. Voices that do not conform to prevailing social norms are often Prejudices and microaggressionswhich leads many people to change or hide their true voice.

At LLYC we have the study “Free the Voices”: Voice, Diversity and Technology in the Age of AI To discuss key aspects of voice as a crucial element in the construction and negotiation of social identities, Vocal diversity as a source of discrimination and technology as a tool that can either perpetuate this discrimination or revolutionize the way we interact with and see ourselves represented in the digital world.

Our analysis led to the creation of the groundbreaking ProjectFree the voices,‘ The the world’s first diverse synthetic voice Bank. In collaboration with Monoceros Labs and their innovative product Fonos, this initiative aims not only to raise awareness of voice-based biases but also to actively dismantle them by promoting greater understanding and appreciation of vocal diversity.