
PRESS RELEASE: UN publishes recommendations for urgent action to curb the harm caused by the spread of misinformation, disinformation and hate speech. Global Principles for Information Integrity address the risks posed by advances in artificial intelligence.

PRESS RELEASE: UN publishes recommendations for urgent action to curb the harm caused by the spread of misinformation, disinformation and hate speech. Global Principles for Information Integrity address the risks posed by advances in artificial intelligence.

United Nations, New York, 24 June 2024 “The world must respond to the harm caused by the spread of hate and lies online, while vigorously upholding human rights,” UN Secretary-General António Guterres said today as he launched the United Nations Global Principles for Information Integrity.

One year after publishing his report on information integrity on digital platforms, the Secretary-General presented a framework for coordinated international action to make information spaces safer and more humane – one of the most urgent challenges of our time.

Misinformation, disinformation, hate speech and other risks to the information ecosystem fuel conflict, threaten democracy and human rights, and undermine public health and climate action. Their proliferation is now being exacerbated by the rapid rise of readily available artificial intelligence (AI) technologies, increasing the threat to groups often targeted in information spaces, including children.

“The United Nations Global Principles on Information Integrity aim to empower people to claim their rights,” the Secretary-General said. “At a time when billions of people are exposed to misrepresentations, distortions and lies, these principles provide a clear path forward that is firmly anchored in human rights, including the right to freedom of expression and opinion.”

The UN chief made an urgent appeal to governments, technology companies, advertisers and the PR industry to take greater responsibility for the dissemination and monetization of harmful content.

The United Nations’ own missions, operations and priorities are impacted by deteriorating information integrity, including vital peacekeeping and humanitarian efforts. In a global survey of UN staff, 80% of respondents said harmful information puts them and the communities they serve at risk.

The principles are the result of extensive consultations with Member States, the private sector, youth leaders, the media, academia and civil society.

The recommendations it contains aim to promote healthier and safer information spaces that promote human rights, peaceful societies and a sustainable future.

The proposals include:

Governments, technology companies, advertisers, media and other stakeholders should refrain from using, supporting or amplifying disinformation and hate speech for any purpose.

Governments should provide timely access to information, guarantee a free, viable, independent and pluralistic media landscape and ensure strong protection for journalists.

Researchers and civil society.

Technology companies should ensure security and privacy by design in all products, while applying consistent policies and resources across countries and languages, paying particular attention to the needs of those groups frequently attacked online, improve their crisis response, and take steps to support information integrity in the election campaign.

All stakeholders involved in the development of AI technologies should urgently take immediate, comprehensive and transparent measures to ensure that all AI applications are designed, deployed and used safely, securely, responsibly and ethically, and that human rights are respected.

Technology companies should develop business models that are not based on programmatic advertising and do not put engagement above human rights, privacy and security, but give users more choice and control over their online experience and personal data.

Advertisers should demand transparency from the technology industry in digital advertising processes to ensure that advertising budgets do not inadvertently fund disinformation or hate or violate human rights.

Technology companies and AI developers should ensure sufficient transparency and provide researchers and academics with access to data while respecting user privacy, commission publicly accessible independent audits and jointly develop accountability frameworks for the industry.

Governments, technology companies, AI developers and advertisers should take special measures to protect and empower children and provide appropriate resources to parents, guardians and educators.


The United Nations Global Principles on Information Integrity are based on a proposal in Our Common Agenda, the Secretary-General’s 2021 report that outlines a vision for future global cooperation and multilateral action.

The principles serve as a source of information for Member States in the run-up to the Future Summit in September.


The Global Principles for Information Integrity are available at:


Charlotte Scaddan, UN Division of Global Communications: [email protected]

Vikram Sura, UN Division of Global Communications: [email protected]