
Book review: Lavash at first sight

Book review: Lavash at first sight

Lavash at first glance
By Taleen Voskuni
299 pages
Published May 2024

“In this delicious new romantic comedy from Taleen Voskuni, author of Sorry brother“”, is the description of Voskuni’s second novel.

“27-year-old Nazeli “Ellie” Gregorian enjoys the prestige of her job in tech marketing, but is fed up with the condescending, Patagonia-clad tech bros, her micro-controlling boss, and the ex-boyfriend she has to work with every day. When Ellie’s lovingly overprotective parents ask her to attend PakCon – a food packaging conference in Chicago – to promote their company and compete for a spot in the Superbowl (no big deal), she craves a quick break and a delicious distraction.

At the conference, she meets the witty, easygoing Vanya Simonian. Ellie can’t believe how easy it is to talk to Vanya and how much they have in common – they’re both Armenian! From the Bay Area! Their families love good food! Their first meeting is cut short, however, when Ellie’s parents recognize Vanya as the daughter of the owners of their biggest rival, whose mission (according to Ellie’s mother) is to sugarcoat and package Armenian food for American organic cuisine.

As sworn enemies, Ellie and Vanya must face off against each other under the suspicious gaze of their parents, while their feelings for each other are heated to the limit.”

I devoured Lavash at first glance in just two sittings and turned the last page even hungrier than before. The book is a feast for culture lovers like me and I enjoyed every description of Lebanese-Armenian delicacies that reminded me of my childhood and other dishes I have yet to try. It may sound like a cookbook, but it’s more of a mix between a reality cooking show and a romantic comedy with a strong Armenian twist. Add in tech company slams, recipes for success, queer romances and an Armenian rivalry for a thrilling experience you’ll never forget.

If you fall in love with the book cover at first sight, I can almost guarantee that you will love the following 299 pages. Just like in her debut novel Sorry brotherVoskuni used Armenian words and surnames for authentic dialogue. In a sample of 100 pages, 35 pages contain at least one Armenian reference, while many pages have several. And yes, I marked and counted them.

Voskuni brilliantly balances common traits of Armenian families (dare I say stereotypes) with exaggeration and comedy—the overly involved families, the limited acceptance of differences, the passion and pride in cooking and eating, and the stubborn competitiveness, with a dash of elitism. I was delighted by the families’ acceptance of her queer daughters, laughed out loud at their pretentious ways, and crossed my fingers for the parents to eventually realize that they are more alike than different.

Be sure to keep a copy of Lavash at first glance in your beach bag this summer along with a hearty portion of lavash and your favorite hummus. Enjoy your meal. Pari akhorjag. Enjoy!

About the author

Taleen Voskuni is the author of Armenian Sapphic romantic comedies, Sorry brother And Lavash at first glance. She grew up in the Bay Area diaspora, surrounded by a wealthy Armenian community and her vibrant family. She graduated from UC Berkeley with a bachelor’s degree in English and currently lives in San Francisco, where she works in technology. Aside from her newfound obsession with writing romantic comedies, she spends her free time taking care of her children, gardening, and indulging her dark chocolate addiction.

Victoria Atamian Waterman

Victoria Atamian Waterman is a writer born in Rhode Island. She grew up in a multigenerational, bilingual immigrant household of Armenian Genocide survivors, which shaped her into the storyteller she is today. She is a trustee of the Soorp Asdvadzadzin Armenian Apostolic Church and chair of the Armenian Heritage Monument in Whitinsville, MA. She is the author of Who She Left Behind.

Victoria Atamian Waterman