
Iron Flame has already prepared the perfect spinoff of the Empyrean series (but it is still far from it)

Iron Flame has already prepared the perfect spinoff of the Empyrean series (but it is still far from it)


  • Iron Flame
    establishes the story of the first six and creates a possible spin-off for
    The Empyrean Series
  • Adding a spin-off that delves into the lore of the first six can enhance the world-building of the main series.
  • A prequel to the first six will probably not appear anytime soon,
    The Empyrean Series
    will be five books long.



Although it will probably take a long time, Rebecca Yarros’ novel Iron Flame prepares the perfect possible spinoff for The Empyrean series. The series’ historical focus is a major component of the plot, as Violet, the daughter of a scribe and dragon rider, discovers secrets both in the Basigath War College and in the larger world of Navarre. These secrets have successfully hidden the Venin threat from the general population. despite the fact that the invasion of the veins is imminent, as in Iron Flame’S End.

The theme of hidden and rewritten history also affects the magic of the world and its practitioners. More updates for Onyx Storm arrive, the audience can probably expect the true story and the answers it contains to quickly come to light as Violet uncovers more secrets to save her loved ones. Some details that could enrich the world-building in the main part, Empyrean Series Books can get lost in the mess. This is where a possible spin-off could come into playand added some details Iron Flame and other books mentioned.


10 questions about the Burning Empyrean series that Onyx Storm must answer

Onyx Storm must answer those burning questions about its worldbuilding and characters left over from the first two books in the Empyrean series.

Iron Flame prepares the perfect spinoff of the Empyrean series with the first six episodes

The first six were founded 600 years before the fourth wing

A cropped image of the book cover “Iron Flame”
Custom image by Yeider Chacon

Iron Flame The inclusion of the First Six could be the perfect basis for a Empyrean Series Spinoff that extends established knowledge. Iron Flame History mentions the First Six in minimal detail, making them the first dragonriders and their dragons the first Empyreans. They fought in the Great War that led to the unification of Navarre and the creation of the Barrens, the Venin section of the continent. They also established the first districts around Navarre, why Violet was so interested in them.

Two of her companions, Lyra and Warrick, kept diaries describing this process in detail.which Violet attempted to steal in order to save Aretia. Unfortunately, this left her as Varrish’s prisoner, although she later got both journals. Violet then discovered that Warrick’s journal contained false instructions, while Lyra’s contained the true answer. While their motivations in Iron Flame, they are not fully explored. The audience can learn more details later Empyrean Series books, but Yarros could also show these motivations in a prequel, complementing the story of the first six and the larger story of Navarre.

Why a prequel to the first six parts would be a great continuation of the Empyrean series

It can help build the world and answer some fan theories

Onyx Storm expands the fourth wing with understaffed characters
Custom image by Simone Ashmoore

Through a prequel, The Empyrean Series could organically contribute to world-building and answer some possible fan theories from the original books. The story of The First Six largely revolves around World War I, which not only established the limits of the Riders and Flyers, but also the rise of the Venin. Exploring this story in a spin-off would bring clarity to The Empyrean Series Action without dwelling too long on the expositionwhich slows down the plot. It would also give the audience more insight into the motivations of the First Six, such as Warrick’s desire to hide how to build wards from other kingdoms.

A prequel to “First Six” could show more of the power of the Andarna race and how they may have been wiped out to stop the Venin.

A prequel could also answer some fan theories about The Empyrean Series Books, especially about Andarna. Andarna’s race apparently died out during the First World Warwhen Andarna told Violet that she waited 650 years to hatch. A prequel to First Six could show more of the power of Andarna’s race and how they may have been wiped out to stop the Venin. While this prequel idea is a fun one, it’s also one that’s unlikely to happen anytime soon as Yarros continues The Empyrean series.

A spinoff series to Fourth Wing will probably not be released anytime soon

Yarros confirmed that the Empyrean series will consist of five books in June 2023

Fourth Wing and Iron Flame by Rebecca Yarros against a red, fiery background
Custom image by Simone Ashmoore

Despite their relevance in Iron Flame and possible details to follow, a spinoff of the First Six is ​​unlikely to happen anytime soon. Yarros confirmed in 2023 that The Empyrean Series would be five books long. During an exclusive interview with Today, Yarros explained that the story was intended for a five-book series that would cover the overarching theme of the story. This likely means that spinoff books won’t be announced until after the series has concluded. However, it might prove beneficial to wait until after the series to get a prequel to the first six books.

By having the prequel come afterward, Yarros can tell the story in an appropriate context and avoid continuity errors.

Yarros’ story isn’t over yet, so writing a prequel before that would put her in a tight spot story-wise. Any detail or unresolved plot point mentioned in the prequel would likely appear in and shape the main waiting might give her a starting point. By having the prequel come afterward, Yarros can explore this story with a proper framework and avoid continuity errors. Not only that, but Yarros can also keep the audience’s anticipation high, thereby increasing the popularity of The Empyrean Series to continue after book 5.

Onyx Storm
will be released on January 21, 2025.

Iron Flame (2023)

Red Tower Books

Release date

ISBN no.

Rebecca Yarros