
Kaden Strayhorn’s accusations that the Michigan State football team is “scared” make no sense.

Kaden Strayhorn’s accusations that the Michigan State football team is “scared” make no sense.

The signing of Kaden Strayhorn was interesting from the start. Mel Tucker recruited him when he was still the football coach at Michigan State, but once the new team took over, his relationship with the Spartans seemed to deteriorate.

So it wasn’t a complete surprise when he chose Michigan on Sunday.

OK, it was a bit surprising that he chose Michigan over the other offers, especially given his father’s ties to Michigan State, but it seemed like Kaden wanted to go his own way. Michigan State not recruiting him played a big role in that decision.

In fact, he told WolverinesWire that he had not officially scheduled a commitment at Michigan State and that the new team did not recruit him because they were “afraid” of his list of offers.

And to me that’s a ridiculous statement.

First, I doubt Jonathan Smith and his staff felt they had no chance of getting a starter, especially when their father is the radio commentator for Michigan State football, hosts a Spartan podcast, and played in East Lansing. If Smith really wanted Strayhorn, it probably wouldn’t have been too hard to get the word out, and he probably would have had an immediate advantage.

Second, Smith has advertised to most, if not all, of the schools on Strayhorn’s offer list, which he said “turned off” new recruits. He said they were afraid to compete for him against those top programs.

And third, Strayhorn grew up around the program and was probably a Spartan fan as a kid. There’s no way the staff would have been spooked if Georgia or Alabama had offered. He’s the 436th-ranked prospect in the nation and happens to be a legacy recruit. If Michigan State had tried hard, he probably would have been a Spartan.

Unfortunately, that was not the case and this whole statement from Kaden sounds like jealousy.