
The many facets of love are explored in the Ai Jing exhibition at Victory Cinema

The many facets of love are explored in the Ai Jing exhibition at Victory Cinema

The many facets of love are explored in the Ai Jing exhibition at Victory Cinema

The iconic Victory Cinema recently transformed into a living canvas of love and hosted the exhibition “All We Need is Love 2024” by Chinese artist Ai Jing.

Curated by Peng Feng and presented in collaboration with the luxury brand Dior, the exhibition promises a comprehensive journey into the multifaceted concept of love.

The exhibition is a harmonious symphony of 27 artworks that seamlessly blend paintings, installations, videos and sculptures. Each work intricately explores different dimensions of love, from romantic to universal, and weaves a narrative that speaks to the heart and soul. The eclectic collection invites viewers on an emotional journey, with each artwork acting as a portal into the limitless realms of affection and connection.

“Today, as we recover from the post-pandemic period, we are rethinking our understanding of ourselves and nature. The smoke of war still lingers in many parts of the world, and there are still people who are homeless,” Ai said. “We need love more than ever. We must build a harmonious world with love, warm and heal with love, and create a beautiful country with love.”

The many facets of love are explored in the Ai Jing exhibition at Victory Cinema

“Flowers behind every door”

Standout pieces include “Flowers Behind Every Door,” a stunning installation that invites viewers to immerse themselves in a world where the beauty of nature meets the art of perfume making. Inspired by the Miss Dior perfume range, this piece combines an array of delicate flowers and rare botanicals to create a multi-sensory experience that seduces the senses and celebrates the essence of love through the scent of nature.

The many facets of love are explored in the Ai Jing exhibition at Victory Cinema

The Strings series uses simple materials to create a profound visual impact. The use of old thread gives the work a touch of nostalgia and history, while the nails anchor the pieces firmly in the present.

The interplay of color and texture, combined with the different orientations of the yarn, creates a dynamic yet harmonious composition that explores the complexity of love – its continuity, change and the passage of time.

Ai’s transition from music to visual art was a journey of deep exploration and expression of love. Originally known for her moody songs such as “My 1997,” “Flowers Behind Every Door,” “My Mom and My Hometown,” and “Guns and Roses,” she has consistently explored themes of personal growth and a deep understanding of love. Her music conveyed love in many forms, from a personal connection to the environment and home to a broader love for humanity and the world.

The many facets of love are explored in the Ai Jing exhibition at Victory Cinema

Her move to fine art marked a new chapter in which she continued to explore the theme of love, using the universally recognizable symbol “LOVE” as a canvas for her personal reflections and experiences.

“I began to embrace the universal symbol ‘LOVE,’ a language that everyone understands,” she said. “When this symbol conveys our life experiences and emotions, it transforms from a simple word into a powerful lens through which we view the world.”

“It becomes more than just a symbol; it evokes memories, events, scents and the profound forces that shape our lives.”

When you leave:

Dates: Until 21 June

Address: 408 Zhapu Road, 乍浦路408号