
Take action: A congressman stresses the importance of addressing producers’ problems, such as a legal workforce

Take action: A congressman stresses the importance of addressing producers’ problems, such as a legal workforce

Farmers and ranchers face rising costs and challenges to their operations every day. In Washington State, this has resulted in approximately fourteen farms and ranches being forced to close each week.

That’s why Congressman Dan Newhouse is taking action.

“Part of the solution, though not all of it, is having a reliable, legal workforce in our country. My bill, the Farm Work Modernization Act, I think does a lot of good to provide that reliable, legal workforce,” Newhouse said.

Unfortunately, it has not yet left the committee.
Newhouse says many of his colleagues in Congress are currently distracted by other issues, particularly immigration. But there is a positive side.

“Because of the pressures that our farmers are facing and that are making it difficult for them to survive, members of Congress and my colleagues are hearing from farmers in their districts who are telling them about the challenges and difficulties they are facing in order to survive. And so many people are starting to realize that these are urgent issues that we need to address,” he adds.

Newhouse says it won’t be easy to move the project forward, but he’s not giving up and remains hopeful.


