
Teenager falls asleep drunk in a club’s bathroom stall.

Teenager falls asleep drunk in a club’s bathroom stall.

She is a real potty Animal.

When this party guest popped bottles in the club, his face was blushing with shame.

“When you overdo it on Saturday night and wake up at 8:30 on Sunday morning locked in a nightclub bathroom,” said 19-year-old Eloise Paull in a trending TikTok reveal video, admitting that she fell asleep drunk in the bar’s bathroom.

Viral images showing Generation Z stumbling out of the venue and setting off the shrill alarm have been viewed over 1.7 million times.

“(It) was the most embarrassing thing ever,” she wrote in her own comments section.

Paull was partying with friends at a nightclub when she fell asleep drunk in the bar’s toilet. Kennedy News/eloisejp.x

Paull, a waitress from the UK, where the legal drinking age is 18, had gone to Havana nightclub, a popular local hangout, on the fateful night of June 15 to celebrate her friend’s 18th birthday.

But instead of staying close to her friends, the carefree reveler repeatedly went away from her clique to dance and drink.

“My girlfriend told me I told her I was going to the bathroom,” Paull told Kennedy News. “I was missing all night, so she didn’t think she should look for me because I was missing.”

“After that, they never saw me again,” she said. “The next thing I knew, I woke up in the bathroom and the alarms were going off.”

Paul spent nearly half an hour trying to figure out where she was after waking up in the club’s bathroom. Kennedy News/eloisejp.x

But Paull is far from the only drunken beauty who has been sounding the sirens of heavy drunkenness lately.

Amanda Scheller, a newlywed from Canada, toasted her May 2024 wedding with more than enough alcohol. The not-so-blushing beauty showed off her thong to her wedding guests and crowned herself the “drunkest bride ever” in front of an amused online audience of over 2.6 million TikTok viewers.

However, not every incident involving alcohol is a funny affair.

Georgia couple Alyssia Langley and her fiancé Timothy Stephens, both 27, are believed to have passed out drunk on a Florida beach in March while their five- and seven-year-old children were running around unsupervised. Volusia County officials reportedly tried to wake the inebriated couple eight times. When they came to, they were unsure of their children’s whereabouts.

Paull was also confused when she woke up in the club’s dark bathroom cubicle after a night of unbridled debauchery.

Paull tells Kennedy News Media that she has been drunk before, but has never experienced “this level” of excessive consumption. Kennedy News/eloisejp.x

“It took me a while to realize where I was,” she admitted. “I was completely dazed and confused because I had been drinking for two days in a row.”

“I was walking around this big dance floor and I was like, ‘What is this place?'” the brunette added. “All the lights were off, so I couldn’t see anything.”

After about twenty minutes of complete confusion, the disoriented Paull finally found her bearings.

“I went down the stairs and saw the ticket counter where you get the wristbands and thought, ‘This is the Havana ticket counter,'” she recalls.

“I walked over to it, stood behind it and just thought, ‘What?'” Paull continued. “That’s when I realized where I was.”

It wasn’t until Generation Z saw the club’s ticket counter that they realized they were still at the hotspot. Kennedy News/eloisejp.x

Then she had to find a way to accomplish her great, albeit noisy, escape.

“Every time the alarm went off, I went back to the bathroom, but I thought, ‘I have to set off the alarm, what else can I do?'” she recalls. “‘I have to get out of here.'”

“I went out and then I realized I had left my bag in the building, so I had to go back in,” Paull added.

Eventually, she called a taxi home, where she drunkenly confessed her misdeeds to the owners of the Havana nightclub via Instagram direct message.

Paull apologized to the club owners after the “embarrassing” incident. Kennedy News/eloisejp.x
The teenager stated that she repeatedly “disappeared” from her circle of friends during her alcoholic escapades. Kennedy News/eloisejp.x

“Afterwards I took a taxi home. The walk to the taxi was so bad. I still had my high heels and my dress on, it was so embarrassing,” said Paull, who was pleasantly surprised by the venue’s cool reaction to her impromptu pajama party.

“I went home and texted Havana. They said I’m sorry and ‘I hope you slept well,'” she said, advising other young partygoers to “drink responsibly” to avoid similar mishaps.

“I thought all pubs checked the toilets and had cleaners who came and cleaned up,” Paull added. “But somehow no one noticed me.”

Paull says her friends never saw her after she went to the bathroom. Kennedy News/eloisejp.x

The bosses of the Havana nightclub have since vowed to exercise due care towards their drinking guests.

“We are aware of the incident and are investigating how it occurred,” the owners told Kennedy News. “We will take steps to ensure this does not happen again.”