
We love being busy grandparents

We love being busy grandparents

Dear Annie: We would like to respond to your reply to “Retired and Busy,” the grandfather who complained about overworked grandchildren.

For us, your answer was spot on.

We have never felt gaslit. At 80 and 76, we still travel to see our young adult grandchildren do what they love. That might be five-hour drives to see a play or trips to another state to watch the rugby playoffs.

We have missed very few of our grandchildren’s events, and when we pass by places where events were held when they were younger, we feel blessed to have been there as fans of what they enjoyed. So we still go out and they are happy to see us there.

For us, our grandchildren are a source of joy and love in our lives and memories.

I hope other grandparents experience the same thing in their lives. — grandma and grandpa

Dear Grandma and Grandpa: You sound like wonderful grandparents and your grandchildren are lucky to have you.

Keep going.

If a car just sits there, it will rust, so keep it moving.

The same applies to people!

Read more Dear Annie And other advice columns.

How Can I Forgive My Cheating Partner? is now available! Annie Lane’s second anthology – featuring popular columns on marriage, infidelity, communication and reconciliation – is available in paperback and e-book. Visit Creators publish for more information. Send your questions to Annie Lane at [email protected].