
Book about creative cooking in sci-fi worlds

Book about creative cooking in sci-fi worlds

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Read these books

What’s the matter

Exploring the science fiction universe opens up a galaxy of culinary possibilities.

The genre often presents unique and imaginative approaches to food and cooking, reflecting the creativity and diversity of alien cultures and futuristic societies.

This article focuses on books that take the reader on a journey into galactic gastronomy and offer a taste of the extraordinary dishes that exist beyond the boundaries of our earthly kitchen.

‘The Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy’

The Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy by Douglas Adams is more than a journey into space; it is an intergalactic dining adventure.

It introduces the Pan Galactic Gargle Blaster, the best drink in the world according to the guide.

A comedic sci-fi adventure, it explores what food might be like on different planets, mixing humor with a look at cosmic cuisine.

‘Red Wall’

Red Wall by Brian Jacques is not set in space, but deals with food in a creative way and takes up science fiction themes surrounding discovery.

The vivid descriptions of festivals in “Mossflower Woods” evoke a strong sense of community and celebration, comparable to interplanetary gatherings.

Jacques’ skillful depiction of meals goes beyond traditional scenarios and encourages readers to imagine dining experiences in any world, showcasing the universal language of food.


ash by Marissa Meyer is set in a future where Earth and Luna interact and mix culinary traditions of different cultures and species.

This retelling of Cinderella against a dystopian backdrop subtly incorporates galactic gastronomy.

Through the different eating habits and preferences of its characters, the book offers a glimpse into the diverse culinary landscape of its universe, even if food is not the central theme.

“The long road to a small, angry planet”

The long road to a small, angry planet by Becky Chambers explores the social aspects of space travel, focusing on how different species share their meals in their spaceship.

Through detailed scenes of shared meals, Chambers highlights cultural differences and similarities between crew members from across the galaxy.

This book illustrates how food unites people from different worlds and highlights the power of culinary experiences in building connections.