
Ali Abdaal on Motivation vs. Action: Debunking the Productivity Myth

Ali Abdaal on Motivation vs. Action: Debunking the Productivity Myth

Ali Abdalla

Ali Abdalla (Image:

Ali Abdaal, the most widely followed productivity expert with millions of followers hanging on his every word, believes that motivation is not a prerequisite for effective learning. In a video quoting Jeff Haden’s book, The motivation myth: How successful people really prepare for victoryHe dismisses motivation as a myth and advocates taking action even when there is no motivation.

He emphasizes, “Motivation does not lead to action, action leads to motivation,” agreeing with Haden’s view that you have to sweat before you feel motivated.

Strengthen goal intention:

Define the meaning of your studies, keeping in mind the larger purpose of your efforts. This clarity increases commitment

Time-based implementation intention

Creating a timeline for implementing your intentions increases the likelihood of success. This is consistent with the principles advocated by James Clear in his New York Times bestseller, Atomic Habits, which emphasizes the role of specific plans in habit formation and consistent action.

SMART goal setting

As Ali Abdaal recommends in his productivity video, make sure your goals are measurable, realistic and time-bound.

Connect with passion

Find aspects of your studies that interest you and align them with personal interests or goals to increase motivation

Visualize success

Visualization serves as a powerful motivator. An example of this can be seen in the recent film 12th Fail, where the character Gauri Bhaiya, a UPSC aspirant, uses the IPS uniform as a visual symbol of success to strengthen his resolve for his final attempt.