
IDF attack on Ash Shati camp and raid in Jenin – occupied Palestinian territory

IDF attack on Ash Shati camp and raid in Jenin – occupied Palestinian territory


OHCHR deplores recent Israeli attacks on Gaza, including repeated attacks on the Ash Shati refugee camp, which have resulted in further civilian casualties, including children, while civilians suffer life-threatening shortages of food, clean water and access to essential items for their survival.

In the space of less than 36 hours, between June 21 and 22, at least three attacks rocked Ash Shati’ camp: a five-story residential building was hit at around 3:30 p.m. on June 21, reportedly killing eight Palestinians; several residential buildings near the As-Sousi Mosque were hit and completely destroyed at around noon on June 22, reportedly killing at least 24 people, including children; and another residential building was hit at around 11:00 p.m. the same day, reportedly killing two children. Ash Shati’ camp is located in western Gaza City, where the Israel Defense Forces (IDF) have repeatedly called on northern Gaza residents to evacuate.

On June 22, the Israeli army issued a brief statement that its aircraft had attacked “two Hamas military infrastructure facilities” in the Gaza City area. As our Office has repeatedly stressed, Israel’s conduct in the hostilities in Gaza continues to raise concerns about serious violations of international humanitarian law, including violations of the prohibition on indiscriminate attacks that use a method or means of combat that cannot be directed at a specific military objective and whose effects cannot be limited. The impact of Israeli attacks on apartment blocks and houses – and the resulting high number of civilians killed and injured – are entirely predictable and appear to violate the fundamental requirement to choose means and methods of warfare so as to minimize or avoid civilian harm. Moreover, these attacks also appear disproportionate in that they are expected to cause incidental civilian casualties, civilians and civilian objects to a degree disproportionate to the concrete and direct military advantage expected.

In the occupied West Bank, OHCHR condemns the ongoing and blatant violations of international human rights law and international humanitarian law binding on Israel as an occupying power. On 22 June, the ISF raided a house in Jenin, shot and wounded three Palestinian men and arrested three others. In another example of unlawful conduct, the ISF abusively tied one of the men – who had been shot in the arm and thigh – to the hood of a military jeep. They then moved him approximately 200 metres before allegedly interrogating and releasing him and allowing PRCS to provide medical assistance. The ISF announced an investigation into the incident.

Such measures constitute serious violations by Israel of its obligations under the law of occupation with regard to the protection of persons and under international human rights law with regard to the individual right to life and health and the absolute prohibition of inhuman or degrading treatment or punishment.


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