
Dave Grohl is at war with Taylor Swift (am I doing this right?)

Dave Grohl is at war with Taylor Swift (am I doing this right?)

As always, I like to lay all my cards on the table before diving into a hot topic that threatens to engulf us all. In this case, Dave Grohl fired off a strange barb at Taylor Swift as the two performed separately in London over the weekend. I’ve made a name for myself denouncing celebrities and, more importantly, the dangerous practice of celebrity worship because I firmly believe there is a straight line from the Kardashians to the Trump White House. However, the pendulum has swung too far toward frothing, irrational obsessions with trashing certain stars for committing the cardinal sin of making regular people happy. It’s exhausting, and everyone could do with toning things down a bit. Taylor Swift is not Girl Jesus, nor is she the incarnation of Hillary Clinton or whatever the weirdos on social media are so worked up about. Anyway, this has been a long, winding journey to the Grohl issue. On one hand, the barb was playful stage banter that definitely sucked, but not the war crime it will be treated as. On the other hand, there’s important context here that made me die laughing when it surfaced in the final paragraph: “Earlier this year, Grohl’s daughter Violet came under fire from Swift fans when she criticized Swift for flying on a private jet in a since-deleted post. Swifties then noted that Violet has also flown on a private jet in the past.” That’s exactly my drug of choice, folks: pure, unadulterated schadenfreude. You can’t beat that. (THR)

Of course, Prince William attending Taylor Swift’s concert in London is really tearing me in half. Wile Coyote drove me straight into a brick wall. Sonofa… (Celebitchy)

Jennifer Lopez’s Italian vacation doesn’t necessarily make a divorce from Ben Affleck more likely. (Lainey Gossip)

A Michigan congressman has been indicted for assaulting a stripper, so there’s no way this degenerate is from the God-fearing family values ​​party – bwhaaaaaa?! (Wonkette)

Peter shared this viral video of Justin Timberlake taken just weeks before his arrest, and uh, holy coke eyes, Batman. (Reddit)

Out of Jen: There’s a joke somewhere about Bitcoin being like fairy gold. (Threads)

I’ve always joked that humanity will one day perish in the looming battle between the Duggars and the Baldwins as they procreate their way to world domination. But I’ve obviously left out the rapidly expanding Musk clan, whose diamond-shaped bodies and boxy heads will make them a formidable opponent. (Page Six)

Out of Seth: Mmmmmmmmm… matrix code. (HuffPost UK)

Warhammer trolls project their bigotry onto Henry Cavill. (Mary Sue)

Out of Kayleigh: I think this is possibly the best video on YouTube. (YouTube)

Out of Peter: Microplastics have been discovered in a human penis, so I guess that is two Justin Timberlakes from our resident Brit. (CNN)

Malin has several books by Cathy Yardley on her e-reader and has finally opened them role playing gamea queer romance between a bisexual man and a straight woman. “This book was highly recommended to me by two people whose opinions on books I always trust, narfna and Emmalita, because they rarely, if ever, lead me astray.” Whose book reviews do you trust? (Cannonball Read 16)

There’s some kind of P-love going on tonight. What are you going to do?