
San Francisco Mayor Introduces Measure to Strengthen ‘Core Value’ of Abortion

San Francisco Mayor Introduces Measure to Strengthen ‘Core Value’ of Abortion

San Francisco Mayor London Breed has announced the San Francisco Reproductive Freedom Act, a ballot bill that would prevent city funds from being used to work with out-of-state abortion courts and create a fund to help people access abortions. The bill would also target Pregnancy Resource Centers (PRCs), limiting their funding and requiring PRCs to post signs saying they do not perform abortions.

Breed made her announcement during a press conference at a local Planned Parenthood abortion clinic. In addition to the goals listed above, she also signaled her intention to make it easier for abortion clinics to open in San Francisco.

“We need to show the voters of San Francisco what our values ​​are and how we as a city will continue to fight against any injustice,” Breed said. “That reproductive health and freedom in the city will continue to be protected in every way possible.”

“We have been on the right side of history before, and now we will work harder than ever to take back what was taken from us and preserve what we know to be the core values ​​of this country,” she noted.

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According to Breed’s office, more than 1,200 abortions are performed in the city each year – a tragic number of deaths that city officials are only too happy to increase.

“This ballot measure sends a clear message: San Francisco will always be a beacon of hope and protection for those seeking reproductive autonomy,” said Supervisor Catherine Stefani. “The San Francisco Reproductive Freedom Act helps ensure our community’s access to safe and legal abortion services and stands in stark contrast to the shameful trend of erosion of reproductive rights across the country.”

During the press conference, Breed also attacked PRCs, which provide valuable assistance to pregnant women in need. “It’s very unfortunate when you’re supposed to be informed of all your options and you’re told that if you have an abortion, you’re going to hell,” she said. “We don’t need people telling someone that at a very vulnerable moment.”

This statement is nothing more than a wild and baseless claim. PRCs do not use religious scaremongering to get women to keep their babies, but instead offer free services such as private medical consultation, pregnancy tests, ultrasound, STD tests and pregnancy and baby supplies. The centers also refer women for medical support, financial assistance, maternity HousingLegal assistance, professional counseling, child care and prenatal care. Countless women and families say they have benefited from these centers and are grateful for the help they have received.

In November, city voters will decide whether to adopt the measure as official city policy.

The Justice Department put a pro-life activist in prison for protesting the killing of unborn children. Please take 30 seconds to tell Congress: STOP THE JUSTICE DEPARTMENT FROM TARGETTING AMERICANS WHO CHOOSE TO LIFE.