
Why Costco decided to test bags for its famous fried chicken

Why Costco decided to test bags for its famous fried chicken

Costco members are pretty passionate. For example, Costco’s decision to discontinue the sausage sandwich sparked a fierce outcry among customers, with a Reddit thread discussing the new bags also showing many concerned customers. These concerns were further heightened by an image in the post showing the new bags sitting in a puddle of fried chicken goo. One commenter claiming to have direct experience with the chicken bags said, “The bag was super greasy when I got one today.” Meanwhile, another person said they had to re-seal the bag after purchasing it and were left with “grease drips all over the floor and into the trash can” after removing the chicken from the bag at home.

On TikTok, Costco fans were a little less enthusiastic when discussing the new packaging. One commenter stated that the bags would be less likely to leak compared to the plastic containers, and another person backed up that claim by saying, “Honestly, those hard containers would always pop open in the car and spill juice everywhere.” People on both platforms emphasized that the bags are already in use in Canada and seem to be working well. While it’s good to know that leakage may not be as big of an issue as previously thought, there remains a question about the environmental friendliness of Costco’s new bags.