
Secrets to a healthier lifestyle on Sunday’s WGN Weekend Morning News

Secrets to a healthier lifestyle on Sunday’s WGN Weekend Morning News

Michael Johnson and Gaynor Hall

1 hour ago

As the saying goes: you are what you eat.

So a healthy lifestyle starts right here.

“It always starts with your plate, with what you eat,” says lifestyle specialist Maisha Wynn.

Wynn herself began making lifestyle changes about 10 years ago after her “beloved mother” died. Wynn said obesity runs in her family, and her mother’s death forced her to confront her own lifestyle choices.

“I decided, ‘Maisha, if you don’t change your lifestyle, you’re going to end up back on the same path,'” Wynn said. “And so over the course of 10 years, I lost over 100 pounds.”

That started, of course, with healthy eating, and on Sunday’s WGN Weekend Morning News, Wynn spoke with Gaynor Hall about some of the foods she recommends to anyone seeking a healthier lifestyle.

But it’s about more than just healthier eating.

Wynn says mindfulness, waking up positively and gratitude are all key components to a healthy lifestyle.

“It’s really about looking in the mirror and creating positive affirmation,” Wynn says. “So every day I tell myself, ‘I am love and light for the whole world to see.'”