
Results of Article II: New Statement of Values ​​of the Unitarian Universalist Association adopted following vote of the General Assembly delegates

Results of Article II: New Statement of Values ​​of the Unitarian Universalist Association adopted following vote of the General Assembly delegates

However we vote, we put love at the center, unwavering and persistent: that free faith we so cherish reveres the past and puts more trust in the dawning future. We believe in evolution – always unfolding, not dissolving – and revelation is not sealed.

Rev. Victoria Safford, in a reflection
before the final pre-vote discussion on Article II in the General Assembly

Following a democratic process involving thousands of Unitarian Universalists over the past three years to discuss the values ​​and core theology of the faith, delegates at the 2024 General Assembly voted overwhelmingly in favor of a new Unitarian Statement of Values ​​and Faith.

“This is a historic moment for Unitarian Universalism as we evolve our living tradition to focus on shared values ​​that will help promote liberation, radical inclusion, and communal care both within our church and throughout society,” said UUA President Rev. Dr. Sofía Betancourt.

“Thousands of UUs have invested countless hours of hard work discerning, discussing and debating the direction of our faith tradition. This work has been done carefully, thoughtfully and thoroughly. And it is something all UUs can and should be proud of. Moreover, it shows how working democratic processes can be used to bring about just and fair change. Everyone who wanted to participate had the opportunity to contribute and make their case. This language of shared values ​​is all the stronger and better reflects who Unitarian Universalists are today because it was a shared process. Thank you to all who were part of this process.”

“This language of shared values ​​is all the stronger and better reflects who Unitarian Universalists are today because it was a shared process.”

The new expression of the common values ​​of the faith was adopted at the 2024 General Assembly, held online from June 19 to 23, by 2,025 votes (80.2 percent) to 499 (19.8 percent), with 21 abstentions (0.8 percent).

The new values ​​are equality, generosity, interdependence, justice, pluralism and transformation, around love.

A two-thirds majority was required to adopt the changes. Four amendments were also put to the vote, but only one was ultimately adopted. Two amendments would have added additional values: “Reason and the responsible search for truth and meaning” and “Peace as a UU value,” but were rejected. The other two were proposed changes to the description of the common value of justice. One would have added: “Equality calls us to listen, understand, respect and respond to one another,” but did not receive enough votes.

The only change incorporated changed the description of Equity to: “We declare that every person has inherent value and the right to flourish in dignity, love, and compassion.”

UUAs in congregations across the country have been engaging with the proposal over the past few years, including through GA workshops, small group meetings, board workshops, executive meetings, and the Amplifying the Charge program launched in early 2024 to encourage dialogue and focused study of the proposed charter changes. The UUA offered several resources to congregations as they considered what was most important to the faith.

Flower of shared values

© Tanya Webster (

The Statement of Values ​​reflects changes to Article II of the UUA Constitution, which includes the “Principles and Objectives” as the foundation for all work of the UUA, its member congregations, and its covenant communities.

The review of core values ​​is an act of faith and expresses Unitarianism-Universalism as a “living tradition,” says Carey McDonald, deputy executive director of the UUA.

The Unitarian Universalist Association’s bylaws require that Article II be reviewed every fifteen years. It has been revised several times throughout the history of the UUA, with the last major revision taking place in 1987.

In 2020, the UUA Board of Directors appointed an Article II Study Commission, which received input from thousands of UUs across the country before submitting a proposal to amend Article II in early 2023. An overwhelming majority of delegates at the 2023 GA voted to submit the proposal for further review and reflection by the UUs (a simple majority was required under the bylaws) and to allow UU congregations to propose changes to the proposal before a final vote at the 2024 GA.

Individual UUs and their congregations can continue to uphold and value the Seven Principles and Six Sources adopted in 1984 as a meaningful part of the faith, just as some have adopted the Eighth Principle for themselves, McDonald said. The Eighth Principle specifically identifies anti-racism and anti-oppression as central elements of congregational life and UU values.

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