
10 reasons for pollution on the pulpit today

10 reasons for pollution on the pulpit today

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I was recently with a friend who said his city was in such chaos because “the pulpits are filthy!” When he said that, I immediately began to think and pray about the implications and reasons for this strong statement. After some reflection, I came to the conclusion that his statement is true, based on conversations I have had with numerous leaders around the world.

Here are 10 reasons why some pulpits are now dirty:

1. The priest has an unholy connection with politicians

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In Scripture, we find numerous examples of religious leaders compromising their faith and obedience to God for political favor and influence. For example, in Amos 7:12-13, the priest Amaziah commanded the prophet Amos to stop prophesying at Bethel because it was the king’s sanctuary and a temple of the kingdom. In 1 Kings 22, we see how all the prophets, except for the prophet Micah, only prophesied what King Ahab wanted to hear. Additionally, all the high priests conspired to kill Jesus when they said they had no king but Caesar, thus siding with the Roman emperor rather than the Lord of the universe (John 19:15). I have observed many religious leaders compromising their faith by supporting political candidates and platforms in order to gain access to power and money.

This, more than any other point, is the cause of divisions, pomp and a lack of true spiritual power in the pulpit today.

2. The pastor puts the fame of his name above the health of his local church

Some spiritual leaders use their church as a platform to improve their own name. They put all their efforts into raising their name without caring or worrying about the health of the congregation. When a spiritual leader cares more about his own brand than the spiritual condition of his church, he is defiling the pulpit.

3. The priest is not accountable to anyone

When a spiritual leader does not have real responsibility, he is more vulnerable to temptation. A leader without supervision is a loner and can easily go astray. This is another reason for the pollution of the pulpit today.

4. The senior pastor is surrounded by “yes-men”

All senior pastors need strong leaders around them who can help them think through complex issues. If they don’t have that, a vacuum of creativity and problem-solving skills is created and the door is opened to big mistakes.

Furthermore, if a leader has only “yes men” around him, there is no one to fight unethical practices that open the door to various disasters. I have learned that the stronger and more secure a leader is, the more he will surround himself with other strong leaders in his inner circle so that iron can sharpen iron. A lack of strong leaders around a leading pastor today leads to a lot of pollution in the pulpit.

5. The senior pastor isolates himself

One of the main causes of pulpit pollution today is when a spiritual leader lacks close relationships with fellow leaders. This isolation leaves them to deal with external pressures alone – which can lead to depression, discouragement and hopelessness.

6. There are no sexual boundaries

One of the most common reasons spiritual leaders fall into sexual sin is because they counsel members of the opposite sex. In my opinion, men should generally counsel men and women should counsel women. If that is not possible, a male leader should have his wife or another mature spiritual leader with him when he meets with a woman. The lack of these boundaries can lead to a defilement of the pulpit today.

7. There are no financial limits

I know of churches where even the trustees don’t know what’s going on financially! Sometimes the pastor pays all the bills because he wouldn’t trust anyone else with that responsibility. These are dangerous practices because they can tempt the senior pastor to cook the books and embezzle tithes and offerings! It can also open the door to scandalous accusations of financial mismanagement.

If the minister insists on signing checks, two signers should be required if possible. Trustees should also receive weekly reports and the auditor should audit the books regularly and provide an annual report. Without the proper financial boundaries, the pulpit can easily be tampered with.

8. The ministry is driven by ego

When the chief motivation of the pastor is to achieve results that satisfy his ego, trouble is not far away. When spiritual leaders are driven by ambition rather than being guided by the Holy Spirit, they tend to rush into large projects. The result is that they end up having unnecessary financial difficulties because God only provides for the vision He gives. The pastor’s ego is one of the most common causes of pulpit pollution today.

9. The Bible is not the primary source for sermons

If a spiritual leader rarely reads the Bible and only reads newspapers and current events, his sermons lack the power and purity of the Word.

Some senior pastors act more like social activists than shepherds because their sermons are more political and economic than biblical. This is another reason for the pollution of the pulpit today.

10. The senior pastor does not walk with God

And last but not least, perhaps the most important reason pulpit pollution occurs today is because the senior pastor lacks a strong religious life. If a spiritual leader does not regularly seek God and devour His Word, he will begin to act and think like the world rather than reflecting the lifestyle of the Word.

In conclusion, since we have all sinned and fallen short of God’s glory, we are all vulnerable to falling into sin and polluting our pulpits, families, and our environment. May the Lord surround us with godly friends and overseers with integrity; and may He give us an intense hunger to seek Him now more than ever! May we have great power in the pulpits to spread the glory of God throughout churches, cities, and nations!

Dr. Joseph Mattera is an internationally known author, consultant, and theologian whose mission is to influence leaders who impact culture. He is the founding pastor of Resurrection Church and leads several organizations, including the US Coalition of Apostolic Leaders and the Christ Covenant Covenant.

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