
Sierra Club promotes plastic-free July in Clarksville-Montgomery County – Clarksville Online

Sierra Club promotes plastic-free July in Clarksville-Montgomery County – Clarksville Online

Sierra Club Clarksville-Montgomery CountyClarksville, Tennessee: – The Sierra Club Clarksville-Montgomery County encourages local citizens to participate in Plastic Free July and join millions of others across the country and around the world in an effort to reduce plastic waste.

Plastic Free July is an initiative to raise awareness of the environmental damage caused by single-use plastic and encourage people to make more sustainable choices and reduce plastic waste, as plastic is very difficult to recycle sustainably.

Currently, only about 8% of plastic waste is recycled. The majority of plastic waste ends up in landfills. Plastic waste also accumulates as litter along roads and waterways, affecting the quality of life of humans and animals.

Find out how you can take part in Plastic Free July at You can start small. For example, if you use a single-use plastic item, replace it with a reusable or compostable item; bring your own shopping bags when you go shopping; avoid drinks in single-use plastic bottles – bring a refillable bottle instead; skip plastic cutlery and straws with your takeaway food – carry reusable cutlery in your glove compartment instead.

When shopping for fruit and vegetables, buy unpackaged fruit and vegetables. You can bring your own shopping bags or just put the produce unpackaged in your shopping bag at the checkout. You will wash it when you get home anyway.

You may be inspired to take further steps to reduce plastic waste in your daily life, such as using laundry detergent sheets instead of liquid detergent from single-use plastic bottles.

Visit for many more actions you can take individually, as well as ideas on how to inspire others in your family and workplace.

While we focus on these small individual efforts in July, we hope that reducing plastic use becomes a long-term habit! For more information or to get involved with the Sierra Club on a local level, please contact: [email protected]