
Which queer book should you read in summer 2024?

Which queer book should you read in summer 2024?

On one hand, summer isn’t traditionally a big time for releases, meaning great books sometimes don’t get the attention they deserve. On the other hand, publishers also like to cram all their LGBTQ+ offerings into June, which is Pride Month, meaning less-trendy books can get lost in the shuffle. Anyway, my point here is that this quiz is here to pair you with a great queer book coming out this summer (June, July, or August) that you might not have found otherwise. From graphic novels and romance novels to historical adventures and poetry, there’s a pretty wide selection to choose from. Let me know what book you got in the comments!

Which queer book should you read in summer 2024?

Choose a song about summer:(Necessary)
Which (sub)genre/format are you interested in?(Necessary)
Select a body of water:(Necessary)
What’s the best thing about summer?(Necessary)
What topics do you address?(Necessary)

What anonymous, out-of-context detail from the author’s official biography fascinates you?(Necessary)

What will you be grilling this summer?(Necessary)
Choose a constellation you would like to view on warm summer nights:(Necessary)
Choose a classic queer book:(Necessary)
What is the best way to escape the summer heat?(Necessary)
Choose a boat to drift:(Necessary)
Which main character would you like to spend time with?(Necessary)
What was your favorite summer activity as a child?(Necessary)
Select one or more trees:(Necessary)