
Sorry, Chris Hemsworth, but Kevin Feige and many “Endgame” stars don’t see Thor as the strongest Avenger

Sorry, Chris Hemsworth, but Kevin Feige and many “Endgame” stars don’t see Thor as the strongest Avenger

The highly anticipated and oft-debated question of who is the most powerful Avenger in the MCU saw several actors and even Marvel President Kevin Feige himself respond with an answer. While fans may have expected Chris Hemsworth’s Thor to be voted the most powerful, unfortunately he was nowhere to be seen.

Chris Hemsworth
Chris Hemsworth as Thor | Marvel Entertainment

In a surprising twist, Elizabeth Olsen’s Scarlet Witch has been hailed as the most powerful Avenger, eclipsing Chris Hemsworth’s mighty Thor. This revelation comes directly from Kevin Feige, the mastermind behind the MCU, and several Avengers: Endgame Stars.

Kevin Feige and MCU stars crowned Scarlet Witch the most powerful

In the ever-expanding Marvel Cinematic Universe, debates over the strongest Avenger have long been a topic of discussion among fans and moviegoers. In the midst of that debate, Kevin Feige and several other MCU stars crowned one character the ultimate powerhouse, and it’s not Chris Hemsworth’s Thor.

According to a video shared online, Elizabeth Olsen’s Scarlet Witch has received critical acclaim in the MCU for her unprecedented strength and abilities. Supported by Avengers: Endgame Stars and even the Marvel president, Olsen’s character was apparently at the top of the list.

Kevin Feige speaks to fans at San Diego Comic Con International 2016
Kevin Feige speaks at the San Diego Comic-Con International 2016 | Gage Skidmore/Wikimedia Commons

“Which Avenger would kick your ass?” The interviewer asked:

“None of them, Scarlet Witch is the most powerful of them all,” Olsen replied.

“Maybe Scarlet Witch.” Paul Bettany commented.

“Scarlet Witch. She’s pretty strong.” Paul Rudd shared it.

“There’s no messing around, (Scarlet Witch) is all-powerful.” explained Benedict Cumberbatch.

“Since Endgame…if you look at Endgame, Wanda Maximoff wanted to kill Thanos.” Kevin Feige backed out.

Although Chris Hemsworth’s Thor is often revered as one of the strongest Avengers, with his godlike strength and ability to wield Mjolnir, recent comments from Feige and other key MCU figures suggest a change in perspective. According to recent opinions, Scarlet Witch’s impressive display of power in recent MCU installments has cemented her position as the standout force among all the Avengers.

Why was Elizabeth Olsen’s Scarlet Witch superior to Chris Hemsworth’s Thor?

After Kevin Feige expressed his admiration for Scarlet Witch’s abilities and MCU stars echoed the same sentiment, the character’s unparalleled strength and resilience compared to Thor became a topic of discussion. Although most fans approve of Scarlet Witch’s evolution from a character struggling with personal tragedy to a force capable of reshaping reality, debate still rages over who truly is the most powerful Avenger.

To address the hotly debated topic, although Thor, the Norse god of thunder, was often considered the strongest Avenger due to his immense strength and fighting prowess, he seemed to be overshadowed by Scarlet Witch. But why? Well, according to the facts recorded in the Marvel comics, as well as the way Elizabeth Olsen’s character has been portrayed in the movies, it is crystal clear that her extraordinary ability to manipulate reality towers above everything else.

Scarlet Witch - Avengers
Elizabeth Olsen’s Scarlet Witch | Marvel Entertainment

In contrast to Thor’s mastery of thunder and lightning and his physical strength, Scarlet Witch possesses chaos magic, a mystical power that allows her to effortlessly reshape and control the fabric of reality to her liking. Even during the Battle of South Africa by Age of Ultronwe witnessed Wanda Maximoff’s mentally manipulative powers that unsettle Thor, Captain America, and Black Widow. By tormenting them with nightmares, Scarlet Witch proved why no one can hold a candle to her.