
June 23, 2024 Love Horoscope for all 12 Zodiac Signs

June 23, 2024 Love Horoscope for all 12 Zodiac Signs

One theme we address in the love horoscopes for June 23, 2024 is that you cannot know if you love someone until you knowledgeAnd once you’ve done that, no matter how hard you try to change it, you can’t go back. You can only move forward, and that’s exactly what the energy of Uranus will show you.

The Capricorn Moon and Uranus in Taurus alignment will bring a sudden shift in events and emotional clarity because of what has been happening since the New Moon in Capricorn on January 11th. At that time, the Moon and Uranus were aligned exactly the same. This means that you may be called back to events or even issues from that time. This event is not happening for you to repeat the past or even go back, but for you to see how much you have evolved.

With this clarity, you have the power to make the changes necessary to have a healthier and deeper romantic relationship. The truth can no longer be ignored, but it can also help you find the love you’ve always wanted. Let’s see what else each zodiac sign’s love horoscope has in store starting this Sunday.

Here is your love horoscope for June 23, 2024, while the Moon is in Capricorn and Uranus is in Taurus.


You are destined for so much more than you have accepted so far. Whether it was fear of change or the possibility of having what you want, you are being guided to declare what you dream of. While there might be some difficult situations you have to get through, it is nothing you can’t handle – and knowing that your dream of love is now within reach should give you that extra push to get things done.

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Change is not a pool you can dip your toes in from time to time. It demands everything from you, and there is no other way. You cannot change one aspect of your life or yourself without expecting it to eventually affect all the others. But this is all positive, Taurus; you just need to make sure you don’t close your eyes to what needs to be seen or delay the implementation of your desires. Let change take its course, and in doing so, you will finally experience the fresh start you have been hoping for.

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You may need to discuss important things with your partner today, Gemini, but remember that how you go about it will be crucial. It’s time to take the lead, not just be the one with all the ideas, but challenge yourself to make a plan for how you’re going to move forward. Embrace this new role and take matters into your own hands so you can be sure you’re doing whatever it takes to improve or even save this relationship.

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Sometimes the best thing is not to worry about what will happen. A stable, loving and committed relationship is incredibly important to you, but if you constantly allow it to take up space in your head, you will suffer from overanalysis. Trust in this connection enough to let go a little, stop worrying about every hidden meaning, and get back to your life – and enjoy the relationship.

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You might feel the urge to drastically change your routines today in hopes of reconnecting with yourself or simply feeling rested. While this indicates a major shift in your life, it doesn’t mean you have to do it all at once. If you want to go for a drive with your partner today or try out that new hibachi restaurant – go for it. Big changes start small, Leo, so you should start there.

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Allowing love to arise naturally also allows you to enjoy it more. That means letting your relationship or even your marriage flow organically, rather than forcing something or slamming on the brakes too abruptly. Maybe you need more spontaneity in your life, or even a trip to the coast, to reset and remind yourself that you don’t have to try so hard to love when it’s already being offered to you.

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A profound theme in your life right now is healing, Libra. Whether you’re struggling to plan your next steps or even grappling with whether or not to accept the obligations others place on you, you need to make a decision for yourself. Let yourself evolve, breathe life back into love, and remember that no pattern is destined to repeat itself. You need to be the one to stop it from happening again.

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Your outlook on love and relationships has changed so drastically over the past few years that you may need a moment to catch your breath. While that’s OK, especially because you’ve given yourself what you need, that doesn’t mean you have to wait for the perfect time to re-enter the world of romance and dating. Once you’re clear about who you are and what you want, surprise yourself and give love a try again.

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Choose to show more gratitude in your relationship, Sagittarius. Your partner needs to feel appreciated, which in this case means being helpful and spending time together. Just because you express your feelings or give them small tokens of affection doesn’t mean they really know how important they are to you. When you start radiating gratitude for your partner and treating them accordingly, you’ll be amazed at how many problems disappear.

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Show up as your true self, Capricorn. You don’t have to worry about how your crush sees you or whether they want that real, unadulterated version of you. But to experience the full spectrum of love and have the relationship you desire, you need to practice being more authentic. No one is perfect, and that’s why you don’t have to worry about it, because no matter what side you show, you’re still worthy of love.

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Dream a small dream, Aquarius, or maybe even a big one. Let yourself be guided back to the life you’ve always dreamed of, whether that includes a loving family and a big home, or a versatile apartment and a spiritually attuned partner. You need to go back to your dreams and consider what you want your life to be before you start taking on the thoughts or opinions of others. The more you can honor those dreams, the more you’ll understand why you settled for less, and that’s the beginning of getting more.

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Some important conversations and moments will have a positive impact on your relationship, but they don’t necessarily have to be the conversations you have with your partner. You may need to open up to friends or family, talk about what’s bothering you, and even share your excitement for the future. What can help now is having a conversation that validates your feelings so you feel more confident about fully committing to this new connection.

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Kate Rose is a writerspiritual astrologer, intuitive relationship and life coach and curator of tailor-made retreats.