
Taiwan’s war games are designed to simulate combat as accurately as possible

Taiwan’s war games are designed to simulate combat as accurately as possible

By Ben Blanchard

TAIPEI (Reuters) – Taiwan’s annual war games this year will be as close to real combat as possible, no longer just putting on a show to score points but simulating real combat amid the rapidly rising “hostile threat” from China, a senior official said.

China, which considers democratically governed Taiwan to be its territory, has been conducting regular drills around the island for four years to pressure Taipei to recognize Beijing’s claim to sovereignty, despite Taiwan’s strong objections.

Taiwan begins its five-day Han Kuang exercises on July 22.

A senior Taiwanese defense official, who spoke on condition of anonymity to speak more freely, said there was an urgent need to rethink how the exercises are conducted.

“In recent years, the enemy threat has changed rapidly,” the official said. “Our defense battle plan must also be continually revised, and the urgency of comprehensive combat training is becoming increasingly important.”

Elements that were primarily for show, such as practice exercises, have been cancelled. However, this year there will be night exercises and, unusually, the capital Taipei will also be included, the official said.

“It’s not about scoring points,” the official said. “We want the soldiers to ask themselves if this is serious.”

While things could go wrong, such as a vehicle breaking down, that’s OK, the official added. “These are problems that can arise in actual combat.”

The exercises would be an ongoing experience, the official said. “War does not distinguish between day and night.”

China’s Defense Ministry did not answer calls outside office hours over the weekend seeking comment on the drills, having previously said it was pointless for Taiwan to believe it could prevent “reunification” by force of arms.

Announcing the drills in April, Taiwan’s Defense Ministry said the war games would involve practicing “kill zones” at sea to break a blockade and simulate a scenario in which China suddenly turns one of its regular drills around the island into an attack.

“Only through real-time on-the-ground verification can we truly understand the capabilities and limitations of our forces,” the official said.

Shortly after President Lai Ching-te took office last month, China held two days of its own military exercises on the island, which the government said were “punishment” for his inaugural speech, which Beijing had condemned as full of separatist content.

However, China is also waging gray-zone wars against Taiwan, using erratic tactics to exhaust the enemy by keeping it on constant alert without resorting to open combat. These include balloons being sent over the island and almost daily air force sorties into the skies over Taiwan.

China has never renounced the use of force to bring Taiwan under its control. Lai, who says only the Taiwanese people can decide their future, has repeatedly offered talks but has been rebuffed.

The official declined to comment on which parts of the war games Lai would participate in – as is customary for the president as commander in chief – and whether there would be U.S. observers.

(Reporting by Ben Blanchard in Taipei; Editing by William Mallard)