
DAWN calls on Congress to boycott and protest Netanyahu’s invitation, citing war crimes and genocide allegations

DAWN calls on Congress to boycott and protest Netanyahu’s invitation, citing war crimes and genocide allegations

You can read the entire letter here:

July 23, 2024

Dear Members of Congress,

We, the undersigned organizations, are writing to express our strong opposition to the invitation extended by Speaker of the House Johnson and Senate Majority Leader Schumer to Israeli Prime Minister Netanyahu to address a joint session of Congress, and ask that you do the same. More than 200 of your staff members – across party lines –signed a letter in protest against Netanyahu’s speech because of what congressional staff describe as a “moral issue.”

Giving Prime Minister Netanyahu the most worthy platform of our government would be a tacit approval of Israel’s grave crimes in Gaza, which the International Court of Justice has declared represent a plausible genocideand finally the court’s demand for an end to the “illegal” settlements in the West Bank and East Jerusalem.

Furthermore, the invitation undermines international law and undermines a pending application for an arrest warrant against Netanyahu for war crimes and crimes against humanity before the International Criminal Court. It undermines the credibility and reputation of the United States as a nation committed to human rights, democracy, and the rule of law, as well as our national security interests in maintaining global respect for a rules-based international order, including the ability to hold other war criminals accountable. Countries around the world will continue to note the United States’ disregard for international court orders and protection of war criminals and encourage it to follow suit and oppose efforts to prosecute other war criminals, such as Wladimir Putin.

Since October 7, 2023, Israel has been conducting a vicious and unlawful military campaign in Gaza, deliberately and indiscriminately targeting civilians and destroying most of the civilian infrastructure in the territory. The official number of Palestinians killed by Israel in Gaza is currently 38,794of whom at least 60 percent are women, children and the elderly. Humanitarian experts estimate that the actual death toll exceeds 50,000 if we include these. probably buried under the rubble and others who are and will succumb to injury and starvation. Israel has deliberately destroyed Hospitals, Schools, UniversitiesFactories and Farms throughout the area and intensified its already illegal siege, Blockade and obstruction of the delivery of Food, water, medicine, fuel and electricity – things that are essential for survival. The Integrated Food Security Phase Classification, an international consortium of states and humanitarian organizations, has concluded that 1.1 million Palestinians in the Gaza Strip are threatened by famine and starvation. In light of this catastrophic attack on Gaza, the International Court of Justice is currently hearing charges against Israel for genocide against the Palestinians in Gaza and has ordered Israel to Stop the offensive in Rafah and to stop interfering in aid deliveries.

The invitation of the Speaker and Majority Leader came shortly after the invitation of the House of Representatives Adoption of HR 8282 to punish anyone who participates in or assists the International Criminal Court’s investigations of Israeli officials. Not only is this bill a shocking attempt to attack and intimidate an international court and the global civil society groups that cooperate with it, but it also puts U.S. lawmakers at risk of being punished and arrested for obstruction of justice, a violation of Article 70 of the Rome StatuteIt is also deeply disturbing that our congressional leaders have extended this invitation to Prime Minister Netanyahu, even though new revelations about an illegal campaign by the Israeli government to target over 120 U.S. lawmakers and millions of U.S. voters with misinformation and propaganda, including hundreds of fake Facebook and Instagram accounts posing as American citizens.

We call on members of Congress to take the following actions:

  1. Call on Senator Schumer and Speaker Johnson to withdraw this invitation.
  2. When the speech takes place, loudly express your disapproval through boycott or protest.
  3. Publicly affirm that the United States complies with international court orders and rulings.
  4. Impose an arms embargo on Israel in light of Israel’s ongoing war crimes and crimes against humanity.


  1. DUSK
  2. American Friends Service Committee
  3. Americans for Justice in Palestine (AJP) Campaign
  4. American Muslims for Palestine
  5. American University Alumni Association
  6. Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR Action)
  7. Center for Jewish Nonviolence
  8. Centre for Islamic and Democracy Studies (CSID)
  9. CODEPINK: Women for Peace
  10. Faculty and staff of the Justice in Palestine network
  11. Friends of Wadi Foquin
  12. ​​Institute for Political Studies – Project “New Internationalism”
  13. Israel/Palestine Mission Network of the Presbyterian Church (USA)
  14. Libyan-American Alliance
  15. Muslim-American Society
  16. Muslim Council for Public Affairs
  17. Foundation for National Interest
  18. Palestine Action by South Sound
  19. Rachel Corrie Foundation for Peace and Justice
  20. Foundation for Reconstruction in Yemen