
Deadline Detroit | William Seikaly: Shame on Trump camp for not condemning “We love Hitler, we love Trump” chants by his Michigan supporters

Deadline Detroit | William Seikaly: Shame on Trump camp for not condemning “We love Hitler, we love Trump” chants by his Michigan supporters


The author is a lawyer and a lifelong Democrat.

By William Seikaly

Are you still considering voting for Trump? Perhaps you remember your parents’ admonition: “Be careful who you associate with.”

There was an interesting story in the Livingston Daily in Livingston County this weekend. Two groups in Howell, Michigan chanted “We love Hitler, we love Trump.” There were also chants of “Heil Hitler” while holding banners that read “White Lives Matter” and “Stop the War on White Children.”

This all happened on the same day that Donald Trump and his running mate JD Vance appeared at a rally in Grand Rapids.

This was all disgusting to me, but not surprising.

After all, even Trump’s vice presidential candidate, Senator JD Vance, compared Trump to Hitler in 2016, and we all remember Trump’s famous line about the Nazi protesters in Charlottesville, Virginia: There were “good people on both sides.”

So, no, I’m not surprised. What surprised me was the lack of condemnation from the Michigan Republican Party or the local Trump campaign.

I checked. Not a word. Silence. Grilling. Some of Trump’s local supporters claim, according to Deadline Detroit, that they must have been outside agitators paid by a left-wing group backed by the Soros family. I don’t want to be too picky, but police have identified these people. Does anyone want to try to verify who they were and where they came from?

But I digress. It should come as no surprise that Nazis support Trump. If you listened to his acceptance speech the other day, which was supposed to be about unity, you found it filled with the kind of hatred and racism that would appeal to such vile groups.

For example, he promised “mass deportations like this country has never seen before.” In his view, we have become a third-class nation and people laugh at us; we must “fight, fight, fight,” but apparently not for everyone, only for those who support him and his agenda.

I know and care about the people who want to vote for Trump. I’m willing to disagree, but I don’t think they realize who they’re dealing with.

Nazis and the authors of Project 2025 want to change this country in ways that I think they will find unacceptable. I believe the real Trump base has become a cult, not a political movement.

Your mother and father may have been right. Be careful about the people you associate with. People may think you are just like them.