
Hezbollah shows that important Israeli sites could be attacked in the event of war

Hezbollah shows that important Israeli sites could be attacked in the event of war

Hezbollah has released footage of key Israeli targets that is supposedly known only to the “Israeli” security apparatus.

  • Scenes from a recently released Hezbollah video show which important Israeli sites could be attacked in the event of a war with Lebanon. In this scene, the Dimona nuclear facility can be seen (Military Media)

The military media of Hezbollah, the Islamic Resistance in Lebanon, has released a video showing key Israeli targets known only to the occupying power’s security apparatus, suggesting that these sites will be targeted in the event of a war against Lebanon.

The video contains excerpts from the recent speech by Hezbollah Secretary General Sayyed Hassan Nasrallah, in which he warned the Israeli occupation forces that in the event of war against Lebanon, the resistance would fight without inhibitions and restrictions.

“Israel” will regret having waged war against Lebanon, he said.

The HaKirya complex, which houses the headquarters of the Ministry of Security, the General Staff and numerous high-ranking military commanders, was also shown.

A list of potential targets included in the video:

  • Important destinations in Haifa
  • Port of Ashdod
  • Hadera Power Plant
  • Ramat David military airport in Afula
  • Penghu Airport
  • Nevatim Base
  • Oil refineries on the coast
  • Negev Rules
  • Satellite area in Yehuda
  • Research center at the Dimona nuclear reactor

This came just days after the Hoopoe mission, during which Hezbollah captured footage showing its reconnaissance drones flying over large parts of the occupied Palestinian territory, including Kiryat Shmona, Nahariya, Safad, Karmiel, Afula, and all the way to Haifa and its port.

The nine-and-a-half-minute video, titled “This is what the hoopoe brought back,” shows footage and reveals sensitive Israeli locations. Hezbollah pointed out that the video was only the first of many to come, stressing that the drones evaded Israeli air defenses and returned to Lebanese airspace undetected.

The released footage contained information about Israeli locations in occupied Palestine and clearly showed that the drone arrived at Haifa port unscathed. Hezbollah’s drones brought back footage and information about sensitive locations they had captured over Haifa, ranging from the port itself to oil refineries and military factories, not to mention the locations of military battleships and key economic centers in the port.

Read more: Sayyed Nasrallah: Resistance knows no borders if Lebanon is attacked