
Taylor County reacts to Biden’s departure

Taylor County reacts to Biden’s departure

How did locals react to President Joe Biden’s withdrawal from the presidential race on Sunday and what can we expect in the fall?

David Dillman, chairman of the Taylor County Democratic Party, and Democratic hopeful Linda Goolsbee, who is running for the 71st Texas House of Representatives district this fall, provided some insights.

Both appeared full of energy and excitement as they talked about how Vice President Kamala Harris could be the best option for the Democrats after Biden’s departure 107 days before Election Day.

However, Chris Carnohan, chairman of the Taylor County Republican Party, and Congressman Jodey Arrington disagreed.

Carnohan said: “It was obvious that he could not fully fulfill his role as president.”

“Good for the nation”

Dillman sounded discouraged in a phone interview on Monday as he expressed his opinion on Biden’s withdrawal from the race.

“Personally, I find this sad for a number of reasons,” Dillman said. “It shows us who we are as a country when it comes to dealing with older people.”

However, he sounded hopeful, noting that it was “probably the best outcome” for the presidential race.

“It’s good for the nation; it shows his character and his care for the country,” Dillman said.

He went on to say that the “comparison between Biden and Trump is like night and day,” but that he believes “the Democrats need to pull together now.”

Calls for resignation

After condemning Biden’s border policy in an interview with Reporter-News, Republican Congressman Jodey Arrington said in a released statement on Monday: “Democrats have now accepted what many of us have been saying for years: Joe Biden is unfit for office. How many of his self-inflicted crises could have been avoided? Who is really in charge?”

Arrington called for Biden’s resignation.

“Amid record crime and inflation, international conflict and the threat of world war, and a nation on the brink of stagnation and a sovereign debt crisis, I expect the support of my Democratic colleagues in calling for President Biden’s immediate resignation,” Arrington said Monday.

“Exciting for democratic interests”

Dillman, on the other hand, sounded hopeful when he spoke of the possibility of Harris being on the ballot in November.

She will be “a very good and, due to her personality, historically important candidate,” he said on Monday.

“It’s very exciting for Democratic interests, for young people, people of color and women, especially those who care about reproductive health.”

Goolsbee echoed this sentiment, saying it was “wonderful that she is taking the initiative.”

She said: “Harris has learned a lot over the last four years as his partner and has been able to successfully implement everything they did.”

“The writing was on the wall”

Carnohan of the Republican Party said of Harris’ possible candidacy in the presidential election: “I can’t believe America wants another four years of high inflation, high gasoline prices and high mortgage rates.”

He said: “Her main job was border control. Why was she so bad at it?”

Carnohan said in a telephone interview on Monday: “Our situation at the border is not good and everyone knows that.”

Carnohan said: “After this debate debacle or catastrophe, the writing was on the wall.”

He added: “The Democrats started gathering the troops and they succeeded” after Biden resigned.

Republican state Rep. Stan Lambert of the 71st House District made similar comments.

“Frankly, it doesn’t matter who is at the top of the Democrats’ ticket. Their policies have failed the American people. There has been a complete dereliction of duty at our southern border under the current Democratic White House,” Lambert said.

“Whether Joe Biden, Kamala Harris or any other Democrat is mentioned as a possible candidate, the American people know it is time for a change,” he said.

Lambert recently defeated Liz Case in the primary and made it onto the Republican ballot in November.

Goolsbee and Lambert will face off on Election Day.

More on Arrington’s interview “They will be held accountable”; Texas congressman speaks about Trump’s assassination attempt